Written by Tony Lastoria

Tony Lastoria

 When brainstorming ideas for the Indians page of this website a couple months back with Swerbs Blurbs consigliere Tony Lastoria, he came up with a great idea.

To keep complete and updated data on the Indians payroll for the current and future seasons, player service time they've accumulated, and how many minor league options our guys have remaining.

These topics always come up when discussing our beloved Tribe, which we love to do in the Indians message board here at The Blurbs.  And the information is not easy to find.

Realizing we could host all this information here, updating it daily if needed ... we went to work.  Well, really Tony went to work.  Here are the links.  All of this data is accessible on our Indians page as well, on the right hand side.

Indians payroll and contract data for the 2006 Season as well as future years

Indians players remaining minor league options and accumulated service time

Many thanks to Tony for putting this all together, as we continue to strive to bring you the best Cleveland Indians coverage on the web.