Written by Mitch Cyrus

Mitch Cyrus
Mitch Cyrus has been a huge part of this website from day one, supplementing our coverage of the Browns, Cavs, Indians, and Buckeyes with his movie reviews, recaps of our favorite TV shows, and the Friday night Crystal Ball column.  Like me, Mitch keeps a list of his Top 100 movies of all-time, editing it once every year or so.  This is his most recent list.
  1. Schindler's List (1993)
  2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2003)
  3. Casablanca (1942)
  4. The Godfather: Part 2 (1974)
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
  6. The Godfather (1972)
  7. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
  8. Citizen Kane (1941)
  9. American Beauty (1999)
  10. Star Wars (1977)
  11. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
  12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
  13. Dances With Wolves (1994)
  14. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
  15. Jaws (1975)
  16. The Graduate (1967)
  17. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
  18. Munich (2005)
  19. Platoon (1986)
  20. Braveheart (1995)
  21. Gandhi (1982)
  22. Field of Dreams (1989)
  23. The Deer Hunter (1978)
  24. Mystic River (2003)
  25. Rocky (1976)
  26. Gone with the Wind (1939)
  27. Raging Bull (1980)
  28. Goodfellas (1990)
  29. M*A*S*H (1970)
  30. The Departed (2006)
  31. Pulp Fiction (1994)
  32. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  33. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  34. Forrest Gump (1994)
  35. The Shining (1980)
  36. All The President's Men (1976)
  37. The Fugitive (1993)
  38. Cast Away (2000)
  39. Fargo (1996)
  40. Minority Report (2002)
  41. Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid (1969)
  42. Scent of a Woman (1992)
  43. Chariots of Fire (1981)
  44. Network (1976)
  45. Apollo 13 (1995)
  46. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  47. Chicago (2002)
  48. Henry V (1989)
  49. Amadeus (1984)
  50. Patton (1970)
  51. Unforgiven (1992)
  52. World Trade Center (2006)
  53. Ben-Hur (1959)
  54. The Truman Show (1998)
  55. Good Will Hunting (1997)
  56. Children of Men (2006)
  57. The African Queen (1951)
  58. West Side Story (1961)
  59. Rain Man (1988)
  60. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
  61. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
  62. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
  63. ET: The Extra-terrestrial (1982)
  64. The French Connection (1971)
  65. The Sixth Sense (1999)
  66. Sling Blade (1996)
  67. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
  68. Bringing Out the Dead (1999)
  69. On the Waterfront (1954)
  70. 12 Angry Men (1957)
  71. Crash (2005)
  72. Blackhawk Down (2001)
  73. The Right Stuff (1983)
  74. Philadelphia (1993)
  75. Nobody's Fool (1994)
  76. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
  77. Hoosiers (1986)
  78. Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
  79. The Big Chill (1983)
  80. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
  81. Seven Days in May (1964)
  82. Annie Hall (1977)
  83. Lost in Translation (2003)
  84. Alien (1979)
  85. Letters From Iwo Jima (2006)
  86. North by Northwest (1959)
  87. Blade Runner (1982)
  88. The Caine Mutiny (1954)
  89. Closer (2004)
  90. Chinatown (1974)
  91. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
  92. Fail Safe (1964)
  93. The Exorcist (1973)
  94. Psycho (1960)
  95. Mister Roberts (1955)
  96. Serpico (1973)
  97. Being There (1979)
  98. Wuthering Heights (1939)
  99. Babel (2006)
  100. Sideways (2004)