Written by Mitch Cyrus

Mitch Cyrus
Swerbs Blurbs columnist Mitch Cyrus keeps us up to date with the Hollywood rumor mill and previews two new movies, "The Break Up" and "The Omen". Mitch also gives us the rundown on the new DVD releases this weekend.  If the amount of jack that was spent on X-Men3 is any indication of the public’s hunger for ANY decent blockbuster picture, then I expect huge figures later this month for “Superman Returns”.

OK, I’ll stop carping on X3 for awhile (maybe). For all the things I hated about it, at least it wasn’t as lame as watching duds like M:I:III or RV.

News and Gossip:

~ Rumor has it that in Spider-Man 3, there will be FOUR villains to deal with. The three that are widely believed to be in it are Hobgoblin (since Harry found DaddyGoblin’s secret room at the end of the last one), Venom, and Sandman. Thomas Hayden Church will play either Venom or Sandman…I’ve heard rumors about both parts, so who knows who he’ll really be. The early rumor of the fourth villain would be Black Cat, with Chloe Sevingy (Big Love) in line for the role.

~ We should have seen this one coming. Universal Pictures will be making a movie “based on facts” (see below for my opinion on those) about the aftermath of Katrina, called “Hurricane Season”, about a high school football team’s struggles dealing with displaced students and rebuilding the community. No truth to the rumors that former FEMA Director Mike Brown will play the snide administrator role normally reserved for Anthony Heald.

~ We have a two-fer in today’s “WHY?” category. First; Willem Defoe has joined the cast of “Bean 2”. There were actual people that watched the first one? Amazing. Secondly, Morgan Freeman has agreed to star in a movie written and directed by Ben Affleck . I guess Ben must have pictures of Morgan in a garter belt from that wild wrap party after “Sum of All Fears”.

This week’s new releases:

Once again, only one new movie is being released nationwide this week. Are they trying to put me out of work? OK, then…since I don’t have another article until next Friday, I’ll include the one movie cutely being released on June 6th.

Title: The Break Up

Starring: Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn

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Plot: A couple splitting up both want to maintain possession of their expensive Chicago apartment, so they maintain living together although they “hate” each other. In other words; a remake of “War of the Roses” without the dark comedy chandelier ending.

The BeerBuzz: Perfect timing! I don’t know about you, but Brad and Angelina are getting just about as sickening to me this year as Tom and Katie were last year. So to take our minds off from that, let’s put up with hours of ‘news’ about Vince and Jennifer. Please pass the barf bag.

But we really haven’t seen that much on the E! Channels and their ilk, have we? No Jen and Vin on every friggin’ talk show on the planet…no special appearances on lame news casts…not much of anything.

There is a reason for that. This movie is going to suck rotten eggs, and they know it. If your wife or girlfriend forces you to take her to this…you will have ammo for make up sex for the next six months.

Title: The Omen

Starring: Lieve Schreiber, Julia Stiles, Pete Postlethwaite

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Plot: A government official and his wife come to think that their adopted son may actually be the son of the devil. No truth to the rumor that this story was adapted from the life of my son.

The BeerBuzz: I thought the original was just a bit on the “oh, come ON, now!” campy side. But on the other hand…how many of us through the years have been tempted to check the scalps of our lovely children for that “666” birthmark (or at least threatened them with checking)? This one has some potential. The addition of “Rosemarie’s Baby’s Mama”, Mia Farrow, is a great touch.

New DVD Releases on Tuesday, June 6th

Firewall –
Harrison Ford’s brow furrows to depths that could swallow Calista Flockhart as he once again fights bad guys that are threatening to do bad things to his family. Mel Gibson was better in the same part when the plot was just a little different and the movie was called “Ransom”.

Glory Road – Josh Lucas plays coach Don Haskins in another one of those “based on a true story” stories…that uses real people and real events, but change facts around whenever they feel like it. If that doesn’t bother you, then this would be a great flick to rent. I personally don’t like these types of movies…unless they make it about me and Clive Owens portrays me and it shows me scoring the winning touchdown for the Browns in the Super Bowl.

Underworld: Evolution – Who cares about what this movie is about? Kate Beckinsale is the hottest vampire you’ll ever see. Oh yeah, and she fights a lot of repulsive werewolves.

Running Scared – Totally disgustingly bad movie with Paul Walker, Russian pedophiles, and Dawn of the Dead senseless gross violence without the charming zombies. If you watch this, part of your brain will try to escape out your ears.

Entourage – The Complete Second Season – Hug it out, bitch.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Collector’s Edition)
– From a time when men where men and women were damn glad of it.

Calendar Watch:

Next week: Cars , Prairie Home Companion.

Upcoming Biggies.

Nacho Libre: June 16th

Click: June 23rd

Superman Returns: June 28th

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest: July 7th

M. Knight Shyamalan’s Lady in the Water: July 21st

Miami Vice: July 29th

World Trade Center: August 9th

Snakes On a Plane!: August 18th

Clerks II: August 18th

All the King’s Men: September 22nd

Flags of Our Fathers: October 20th

Casino Royale (007): November 17th