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Sam Amico

BoobiePITTSBURGH - Jamario Moon led the singing in the post-game locker room and most of his Cavaliers teammates gladly joined in.

The song was “Respect,” originally sung by Aretha Franklin, but ask Moon and he’ll likely tell you he perfected it.

And a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T is one of the things the Cavs are playing for.

The latest sign came Thursday night in Pittsburgh, where the Cavs hammered San Antonio by a 106-80 count. They are now 4-1 in the preseason with three games to go.

If the Cavs keep asking for respect, and continue to play this way … well, baby, you got it.

“I’m real happy with the effort,” said Cavs coach Byron Scott. “Our guys were pretty much busting their butts the whole time. With three games left in the preseason, it’s just a matter of tightening up some nuts and bolts.”


Sam Amico

antawn-jamison-cavsINDEPENDENCE - There is an interesting dynamic taking place with the Cavaliers and it involves one of their expected leaders. That would be none other than forward Antawn Jamison, and the speculation is he would prefer to play elsewhere.

Now, before we go too far on that, keep in mind I used the word “speculation,“ because right now, that’s all it is.

Also remember that Jamison is one of the classiest players in the league. When I was running, he was regularly picked by the website as the league’s most approachable, down-to-earth guy.

So Jamison would never request a trade, or give anything less than his absolute best -- both in the locker room and on the floor. Nor has he given any indication he doesn’t want to play for the Cavs.

Just the opposite, actually.

If anyone is going to say all the right things and make the best of what could be perceived as a less-than-ideal situation, it is Jamison.



Erik CassanoWindy_headshotWhether Brian Windhorst wants to be or not, he's a celebrity by association.

If Paul Hoynes left The Plain Dealer's Indians beat to cover the Florida Marlins or Tony Grossi traded in his Browns credentials for a Dolphins press badge, it would be nary more than fodder for blogs and message boards -- and short-lived fodder at that.

You may love their work, hate their work or be completely apathetic toward their work, but the point is, a good beat writer is supposed to be like a good waiter. As a reader, you're only supposed to notice them when they mess up. When they're on, the team is the story and the writer is just a byline.

I write that from personal experience. I covered sports for newspapers all throughout my college years, and I worked a city beat as a young reporter. Nobody is supposed to care who you are as a reporter. You're the conduit between the news makers and the news readers, nothing more.

But Windhorst is something more. His newshound mentality and reporting talents landed him the Cavaliers beat reporter job as a young reporter at the Akron Beacon Journal in 2003. That also happened to be the year that ping-pong balls dropped LeBron James into the Cavs' lap.


Sam Amicojjhickson21CLEVELAND - Lots of random stuff from your Cavaliers’ 87-72 home win over Charlotte in the preseason opener Tuesday:

* That was fun. Seriously. That was the first thing that came to my mind when the game ended. Was it a thing of beauty? No. In fact, it was downright sloppy at times. But that was to be expected, especially when you consider the Cavs were missing two starters (Mo Williams and Anderson Varejao) -- and running their new motion offense under a new coach (Byron Scott) for the first time in a real live game.

* Veterans such as Anthony Parker (10 points) and Jamario Moon (10 rebounds) played particularly well, even though it was youngsters such as Daniel Gibson (18 point) and J.J. Hickson (17) who put up the nice numbers. Also, Antawn Jamison was just 1-for-9 shooting, but you could tell when he wasn’t on the floor. When Jamison wasn’t on the floor, the offense wasn‘t nearly as efficient.


Sam Amico

JJHicksonINDEPENDENCE - You hear the players say it time and time again: “Byron Scott training camp.”

It’s in reference to the new Cavaliers coach, and it usually means lots of running, lots of work on a Princeton offense that features an up-tempo style, and few days off. Or in the case of the Cavs, zero days off since training camp started.

But all of that changes Tuesday, when the Cavs will face someone other than themselves -- with the preseason opener against the Charlotte Bobcats. Tip-off is 7 p.m. at Quicken Loans Arena.

While it still doesn’t count as a “day off” for the players, it does give them the opportunity to gauge how they look against a real live NBA team. Finally.


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