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Steve Buffum

The B-ListThe Indians dropped the opener in Arlington 6-3, as the banged-up Texas Rangers are still better at baseball than the mostly-healthy Tribe.  In today’s shortened B-List, Buff runs out of things to say, much in the manner of the Cleveland offense after the third inning, or Nick Hagadone’s quality repertoire after his first pitch.  He does note that Carlos Santana is still good, that Mark Reynolds can make an outstanding defensive play, and that Scott Kazmir is still preferable to a sharp stick in the eye.  Or Carlos Carrasco.


Nino Colla

CKluber03It sure wasn't easy. When you are just starving for a win, and are so close to it, that's when it seems to be the toughest. Once the game got to the seventh inning, it seemed as if the Indians had to work extra hard to keep the Rangers at bay and hold onto their lead, even though it was a 4-0 lead.

With a team like Texas though, in their own ballpark, a 10-0 lead isn't safe. 


W: Corey Kluber (4-4)

L: Derek Holland (5-3)


But there was absolutely no denying Corey Kluber on this night. That guy was incredible. And the Indians are going to need more of that, especially with Zach McAllister down. Kluber stepped up to the plate and did something not a lot of Indians pitchers have been able to do.

Go into Arlington and pitch really really really well. The Klube was locked in.


Greg Popelka

joe vosmik wikiThese forays into Cleveland Indians trivia have been a lot of fun. The intent has been to dive below the surface of Tribe history, and to dwell on characters and stories, not minutiae.

Let’s keep the party going!


Al Ciammiachella

2013draft-400x234Draft Day is finally upon us, Indians fans. It’s time for the team to reap the harvest that was planted the day after the Justin Verlander game last year, when the club started the epic collapse that found them picking 5th overall in the first round tonight. That collapse and the corresponding top-10 pick did allow the Indians to sign two marquee free agents and “only” lose their sandwich and 2nd round picks as opposed to their 1st round pick in this year’s draft, so I suppose we can use tonight as a silver lining for the horror we all endured watching Chief Wahoo’s Tribe tailspin towards the bottom of the American League standings last season.


Nino Colla

CKluber02I can't decide what is more painful right now. Trying to watch this Indians team, knowing that they just can't seem to get it going or my mouth. The Indians are not playing horrible baseball. Are they playing well enough to win though? Not on most nights. This three game series has been rough, because they've shown glimmers of hope that the game isn't over, but the glimmer lasts about one minute, or one inning. Whatever.

And then you have my mouth, which is exactly one month removed from having my wisdom teeth extracted. So can anyone tell me why I'm still experiencing pain and discomfort, that is even worse than when I originally got them removed? 

Alright, a little bit of a personal note that I used to relate to the Indians, but you get how I feel right now. I'm writing about an Indians loss, while the side of my mouth is throbbing in pain. Why? I couldn't tell you, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. I enjoy the misery. Which is more painful? I don't know, because right now they're both headaches. But here's the good news in it all.

I have a doctor's appointment today. And the Indians? They have an off day. So not only do they not lose today, they get to recharge their batteries, which I'm just going to assume is something that is much needed after 20 straight games, including one that ended at three in the morning. Ya know, just a little.


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