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Tony Lastoria was born in Northeast Ohio and has lived there all 35+ years of his life. His love for baseball is only superseded by his love for his family, namely his wife Heather and two children Nicholas and Alyssa.

While he is a Cleveland sports fan and loves the Browns, Cavaliers and Buckeyes, he grew up with a passion for baseball and has been following the Indians since he was 6-years old. Over the past 10-12 years that passion for Major League Baseball has permeated the minor league baseball scene. With the numerous affiliates and future players of the Indians to follow, minor league baseball now rivals his love for the Indians and major league baseball.

Tony follows, reports, and writes exclusive minor league content on the Cleveland Indians minor league system for,, and his own site at He travels to all the Indians affiliates and talks with numerous players, coaches, front office personnel, scouts and more.  He has also published three books on the Indians farm system.

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