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Cavs TCF Authors Anthony Joki

Anthony Joki is a student at Cleveland State University studying Sports Management. For the past two years, Anthony has written for the student newspaper, The Cauldron. He has been the Vikings Men’s Basketball beat writer for the newspaper. Anthony has also covered the Browns, Cavaliers and Indians.

Growing up in Fairport Harbor, he has followed Cleveland sports and the Buckeyes thanks to his father. At a young age, he can remember going to countless Indians games when the Indians were rocking Jacobs Field. Anthony always enjoyed going to the games to see his favorite player, Jim Thome, since he is a left handed hitter just like him.

Anthony enjoys many things outside of writing including playing golf, spending countless hours playing PlayStation 3 and wasting his time on the internet. During high school football season, he takes care of managing the film for his alma mater, Fairport Harding. He is currently the web editor for The Cauldron newspaper.

You can read his work at and can follow him on Twitter @AnthonyJoki

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