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Cavs Cavs Archive Cavs Back into Break with Bad Loss to Hornets
Written by Brian McPeek

Brian McPeek

cavs-hornetsThere was no playing around tonight, folks. In honor of my return to the Cavaliers recap gigs I danced with who brought me: the #Cavs Twitter feed. It was the Cavs- Hornets Twit-Cap. A random selection of #Cavs tweets to tell you about the game against New Orleans from before the tip to right after the final horn. Without further adieu:

Spencer Shoemaker @GrizzlyHamleg #Cavs game. Bringing hope to Cleveland fans everywhere.


I would’ve gone with Wild Turkey or Conway’s Irish Ale or The Melt or…. well, almost anything other than the Cavs, but there’s your leadoff hitter.

 First Quarter 

Rina J @crazi_beautii #Cavs time biotch 

I post this because it’s exactly how I called my three young daughters into the living room to watch the game with me. 

Omri Casspi just missed his first wide open three-point attempt of the evening. 3..2..1..and: 

Andy Resnik @AndyResnik Time for my nightly Omri Casspi stinks tweet. #Cavs 

There it is. 

I’ve said it before, but it’s hard to imagine a player so bad that he makes me really miss JJ Hickson’s uneven effort from night to night. If I wasn’t hell-bent on the Cavs losing more than they win in order to get as close to the top of the draft as possible I’d hate Casspi with a white-hot passion. 

He blows. 

jonas sealevel @MpSealevel I like nothing about omri casspis game #Cavs 

Christopher @dege1966 @terrypluto #Cavs I can't believe that Gee is out shooting casspi especially on 3s 

Fast and furious on the Casspi hate. The best part of Christopher’s is his belief that Terry Pluto is actually awake and watching this game as opposed to pirating some poor blogger’s thoughts on the game for ‘his’ insights tomorrow. 

Fast and furious also describes the pace at which the Cavs missed shots and gave up points in the first quarter. At the end of one they trail the Hornets 29-20. The Cavs shot 35%from the field and Boobie Gibson and Omri Casspi might struggle to connect in a slap fight against each other right now. 

Second Quarter 

Excellent. Fake bad-ass and real stiff Ryan Hollins is on the floor to start the second quarter. This is where I often get conflicted with this ‘losing to win’ thing. Watching Ryan Hollins and his facial expressions pains me and everyone else. 

Chris Crowell @Bocceplayer McLeod needs to quit saying "Ryan Hollins" and "goes up strong" in the same sentence. That has never happened. #Cavs 

Yes! Exactly. A stiff breeze dislodges the ball from Ryan Hollins and knocks him off the low block. He might be my least favorite Cavalier ever. I’m tired of hearing he was a sprinter or hurdler or whatever the hell he was. What he’s not is a legitimate NBA player. 

UrsTrulyGbaby @UrsTrulyGbaby Bout to smoke this blunt watchin the #Cavs 

Ryan Hollins enter the game, people go grab their weed. If Hollins played in California he’d be a legit reason/disease that would allow you to get your medical marijuana card. 

Josh Nicholson @JoshNicholson16 I actually enjoy watching cavs more now than when we had LeBron.. we'd always concentrate on giving him the ball so he wasn't crying#CAVS 

Amen Josh. It was brutal winning more games than anyone else for two straight years and having a deep playoff run guaranteed. Give me guys like Hollins and Samardo Samuels and Tristan Thompson all day. Love guys that can’t play but try really, really hard. 

Sometimes 140 characters is 130 too many. 

Bob Finnan @BobCavsinsider Hornets 50, #Cavs 43, halftime. Cavs shooting 35.6 percent from field 

Bob Finnan is a man of few words, folks. Unfortunately he’s also the Cavs beat writer for the News Herald. I wish Bud Shaw and Bill Livingston were as efficient with their words. 

Third Quarter 

B...... @Kyle_Watts14 The life of a cavalier fan “@SheRiseShaRon I hate being down at halftime... #Cavs 

SheRise ShaRon @SheRiseShaRon @Kyle_Watts14 Its cool... I have faith in my #Cavs!

 In reply to B...... 

Get a room playas. 

joseph @joegotti Center position is killing us!!! #Cavs 

Not really any more so than the power forward and shooting guard spot are, Joseph. 

Ryan Hollins has soft hands….like a girl’s. 

Jeremy Glass @JGlass42 Are Casspi and Hollins 2 of the 5 worst players in the NBA or the 2 worst? #cavs #nba 

Jeremy Cline @JerCline Is there a reason why Hollins and Casspi see the floor for the cavs? Waste of roster space. #CAVS 

Ethan Lange @007EthanLange I know that I'm not the coach, but Tristan Thompson does not play nearly enough #cavs 

Anyone see a pattern here? Ryan Hollins is a stinking heap of monkey dung. That’s the patter here as the Cavs trail by a dozen with four minutes left in the 3rd quarter. 

Most depressing is realizing this game will not be over when ‘Modern Family’ starts. 

Big John @47_And_Counting #Cavs are putting themselves in a position for another potential dramatic 4th qtr comeback. 

Or a double digit loss to a seven win team. Either way… 

Brian P. Moore @bpmoore03 The #CAVS need one or two more decent players. Trade Casspi, Thompson, and Parker for someone good. 

There we go. The ‘Sports Talk Radio Trade’ tweet winner of the night. Just trade a bunch of worthless shit that no one, including you, wants for somebody really talented. Maybe if you throw in Manny Harris, Brian? 

And the Cavs trail the Hornets by 10 after three quarters. 

Fourth Quarte 

J.R. Richman @Mest2dMax Wow, OKC and NYN playN lights out tonight ...Come on #Cavs ... let's make the playoffs this season! 

Hell yes!!! Let’s nail down that 8th seed, sneak in the playoffs, fall further back in the draft and get the shit kicked out of us by Miami in a most humiliating fashion so that Semih Erden and Luke Harangody can get some extremely valuable playoff experience and ‘learn how to win’!!!! 

Cavs come storming back to within a point on the strength of a couple threes and some defense. 

D_J_BRIGA @D_J_BRIGA How can you be as tall as Hollins and never be able to finish at the rim? #Cavs 

And yet Ryan Hollins’ suck continues to dominate the conversation. 

P. Fields @PFields_86 Every basket counts #Cavs 

Good to see the sports bettors tuning in. 

72-70 Hornets with six minutes left. 

Michelle Piccolo @mishypic Could use a #Cavs score update...anyone? 

This chick can tweet but can’t find a score from her phone or computer? Now 68 jagoffs will be filling the timeline with scores. This is another perfect excuse to hate people as if I was in need of another.

Matt Franko @MatthewFranko This is the most awful basketball game I have ever watched #cavs 

I doubt it. But it very well could be top ten in that category. 81-74 New Orleans with a minute left. I wonder if losing to the seven-win Hornets will shut up the 8th seed talk? 

Cavs lose one to the bottom feeding Hornets who were playing their third game in three nights and still took care of business, 89-84. 

Nick Carrabine @NickCarrabine Worst loss of the far. NO one of worst teams in the league coming off a back to back to back...are you kidding me???#cavs 

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