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Brian McPeek

Wrap copyThere’s very little to talk about this week in Cleveland sports other than the Indians, unless you’re talking about Jimmy Halsam’s potential indictment (and I’m not). So let’s look at the Tribe and a reclamation project that appears to be working out better than we could have hoped. Just for kicks we’ll also look at LeFlop James and two golfers acting like….well…like a couple whiny and spoiled golfers.

It’s The Weekend Wrap.


Adam Burke

0HRPorchView“Where’s Grady Sizemore?” “Who’s this guy?” “I don’t know who any of these guys are.” “The Dolans should sell to Gilbert.” These and other brilliant quips are things I have heard too many times at the ballpark this season. Along with blasting umpires, the flavor of the week for the national media has been to chastise Cleveland for its early season attendance figures. Yeah, they’re embarrassing. Yeah, Cleveland’s no longer the baseball town it was 12 years ago – that image we still attach ourselves to as if it’s from the recent past and not a distant memory. You know, when Clevelanders cared about baseball for seven or eight years after not caring in the slightest for, oh, about 30 years.

So, yeah, attendance sucks. But not as much as the people who are going to games yet don’t have a clue at what’s going on. You’re clearly not there for baseball. You’re there to bullshit about everything but baseball.  You’re there to use baseball as an excuse to get together, pay a lot of money for beer, and sound like an ignorant dumbass. Hey, I’m glad that your ticket revenue is going to one of the organization’s many costs, but, for Christ sake, please get somewhat informed before you show up. It takes watching ONE game on television to realize that Grady Sizemore is no longer on the team. Frankly, it takes barely paying attention over the last year and a half to figure out what has happened to Sizemore.

Who’s that guy? He’s our second baseman Jason Kipnis. He’s actually been around for a while. Who’s that guy? He’s our center fielder Michael Bourn, one of our prized free agent signings by our cheap ass owner. Who’s that guy? Mark Reynolds? Oh yeah. He’s the guy who strikes out a lot. Stupid signing.

I don’t know what’s worse about Cleveland baseball fans – physical attendance or mental attendance.


Steve Buffum

The B-ListThe Indians finally lost the opening series to the Yankees three games to one by getting outscored eight hundred fifty to four, although the immediate implications were a little more promising. Justin Masterson was dominant in his start, and Trevor Bauer looked awfully acceptable in his.  The offense, on the other hand, could not be compared to limp noodles in that at least noodles, even limp ones, have some structure.  David Huff made his triumphant return.  Nick Hagadone did not.


Nino Colla

CAllen01 copyIndians fever...Be a believer...In the Cleveland....INDIANS!

First place say whaaaaat?

You just get that feeling, especially after beating Justin Verlander on Saturday, that it didn't matter that the Indians hadn't led for a single pitch of Sunday's game until the top of the 10th inning. That club was going to find a way to take this series and send out the opening salvo to Detroit.

Statement made.

You're not taking the AL Central without a fight Detroit. Put up your dukes.


W: Joe Smith (1-0)

L: Darin Downs (0-1)

S: Cody Allen (1)



Nino Colla

SKazmir01Not much has changed since we last talked. The swelling in my face has gone up and come back down in the span that the Indians swept the A's and have won four straight.

And to be quite honest, I spent a large part of my three days recovering watching the Indians at night. I did a lot of day naps so passing the time was hard, until the Tribe came on. So the fact that they were winning was a good thing.

Who knows how painful that would have been.

I still have some chipmunk features and there's a little pain, but I'm getting back into the routine. I could have just waited til Monday and took the entire week, but that seems like an awfully long time to not say something about the way this team is playing. So I'm going a little throwback here and doing this a way I haven't really done in awhile. You all know the 9-2 win yesterday, blah blah sweep, 10 of the last 12 for wins, just a game and a half out of first place, yada yada.

There are just some astonishing things going on with this club right now and I'll try to get to all of them.


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