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Brian McPeek

broom_tribe_reds_sweepOkay. Who amongst you predicted that as of May 22, 2011 that the Indians would have the best record in baseball, that they’d do so with the disabled list featuring nearly half of their 2011 salary expenditures and that they’d have survived the injuries to Travis Hafner and Grady Sizemore thus far in part because Asdrubal Cabrera has hit more home runs and has more RBI than Albert Pujols?

That’s what I thought.

But that’s exactly where the Indians (and Hafner, Sizemore, Cabrera and Pujols for that matter) stand after the Cincinnati Reds came into Progressive Field for the first round of interleague games this season and were unceremoniously swept in the those three games. They were swept when a player making his major league debut dropped a pinch hit drag bunt Friday night to win that game, a player who hadn’t homered this season hit a late inning 2-run home run Saturday to give the Indians 2-1 win in the middle game of the series and when Cabrera went 5-5 and hit two home runs in a 12-4 laugher on Sunday.


Adam Burke

nash1While the Conference Finals roar on, the case for relocation has been reinvigorated. One of the usual suspects is in play again, but not the one that has been in the news for the better part of three seasons. This time, the Atlanta Thrashers are at the forefront of the Bring the Jets Back to Winnipeg campaign.

This case takes an interesting turn, however. Had the Phoenix Coyotes been moved to Manitoba, only divisional re-alignment would be required. But, if the Thrashers are on the move, one team from the West would need to be shipped to the Eastern Conference and assume their spot in the Southeast Division. Enter, the Columbus Blue Jackets.

Conventional wisdom says that the Nashville Predators make the most sense, both among the league brass and the media world. Geographically, it makes sense and there’s a good chance of rivalries forming with the other Southeast foes. Maybe it does make the most sense from a geographic perspective, but not for the betterment and sustainability of the National Hockey League.


Mike Perry

ichiroWe are currently blessed to be able to watch one of the greatest baseball players in history, on the backside of the prime of his career, and no one really talks about it.

It is almost beyond description how good Ichiro Suzuki is at the game of baseball. He is among the greatest hitters of all time, possesses one of the greatest throwing arms in history and is probably one of the top 10 fastest players to ever play in the Major Leagues.


Brian McPeek

GriswoldvacationYou want a real wrap up on this weekend? Here you go: endless driving, endless rotten weather, two kids playing two different sports in two different venues 90 miles apart and a swing of the bat Friday night that made it all okay. Here’s my Weekend Wrap.


Mike Perry

ncaaThere is a lot going on in the world of sports, with the NBA and NHL playoffs winding down, Major League Baseball heating up and, well, the NFL locking out. Even though we should be talking about the Browns' mini-camp and how the newest draftees looked, we are left to wonder if there is even going to be NFL football this year. We're just going to have to sit back and let that situation play out.

However, this writer has quite a few other questions and/or curiosities regarding what is going on in sports.


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