This is one installment in a team effort by The Cleveland Fan, highlighting the top local sports figures by jersey number. Please weigh in with your thoughts, in the Boards. As David Letterman would say, “For entertainment purposes only; please, no wagering.”
As unfortunate as it was to have to live through the Browns move to Baltimore, after falling in love with the Marty Schottenheimer teams of the late 80’s who played with the hearts of lions, I feel fortunate that I’m too young to know of the Stepien Era of the NBA in Northeast Ohio. It’s not inconceivable to believe that a decade earlier, the dreadful Cavaliers, owned by the worst owner (possibly) in the history of sports.
For that reason, mostly, we are going to make a questionable here at #21. There’s a number hanging in the rafters at Ontario and Carnegie of the same value, and also a pair of Browns running backs that actually gave us a thrill or two in the color TV era, but they’re all going to get snubbed here in what might appear to be a ridiculous case of name recognition. Truth be told, Lloyd Bernard Free is probably my choice at #21 anyway, but it’s so much more fun to talk about World B. Free.