This is one installment in a team effort by The Cleveland Fan, highlighting the top local sports figures by jersey number. Please weigh in with your thoughts on the "Boards". As David Letterman would say, "For entertainment purposes only; please, no wagering"
“In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goal posts are.” – Arnold H. Glasgow
Since the return of the Browns, there has been only one constant. For a franchise that has gone through quarterback after quarterback and coach after coach at an alarming rate, it’s the kicker that has been the lone salvation for a beaten down fan base. Arguably the most underappreciated, underrated field goal maker in the NFL, Philip Drury Dawson has persevered through years of losing and two off-the-field family issues that would bring any man to his knees to become one of the most celebrated and revered athletes in Cleveland sports history.’s list of the Top Cleveland Sports Figures by Number continues with #4, Phil Dawson.