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0baseballHow to Keep People Interested in a Live Baseball Game?


Are you, too, sick of your friends and family complaining and frowning that you brought them to a "boring" baseball game? Does your girlfriend always complain that baseball games are boring, and that she'd rather stay at home? This article is for you. Here you'll find a few ways to keep things interesting and make otherwise bored people enjoy the live game. There are many ways you can enjoy watching a baseball game with your loved ones or your friends by incorporating some fun stuff into their experience. You can try the following:


Baseball bingo


One way to overcome boredom when in a live baseball game – play with your phone. It has become a trend for bored people who were dragged to baseball games to play bingo on mobile devices, but baseball bingo is a way in which they can play bingo, but still be involved in the game.


When watching a baseball game, you can also play bingo with a baseball twist. Here, you will need a modified bingo cards in which instead of numbers, the matrix of the cards are composed of plays in baseball such as "fly out to center", "walk", "home run" and much more. You and your friends or loved ones will mark the item in the card if the play occurs in real time in the field. Of course, having some rewards can spice up the game. However, if you opt for some creativity, you can make your own baseball themed bingo cards. You can click here to create your own bingo cards for free.


Baseball drinking games


Watching a baseball game is fun while drinking beer with your friends and you can add more fun to it by incorporating games into your alcoholic beverages. You can try the baseball drinking games of “The Pace of the Game” or the “Total Bases”. In the first game, you will need a beer and some shots and your focus of the game is to “the home runs” and “innings”. You and your friends will drink beer per inning and a shot per home run. The second game will make use of beer or mixes of alcoholic drinks and here, the focus of the game is on the home runs, singles, doubles and triples. You and your friends will choose one team. For every total base your team attains, all of you will drink beer. A beer for single, two beers for doubles, three beers for triples and four beers for a home run. Get ready to get drunk with these fun games!


More Games


There are other games that you can incorporate while watching a baseball game. For instance, you and your friends can call the baseball play. This can be a point system. You can focus on the batter or the pitcher. If you guess the play correctly, you will get a point and if you don't, you don't get any points or point are deducted. Include rewards so that this game will become interesting. Another game is a fantasy baseball. This is similar to the fantasy ball games you can play online, but in this case, you will be picking only to the two teams playing.


There's no reason for your loved ones to be bored with all these creative things we've outlined for you. Just remember to relax and have fun in the company of your friends while watching these games.

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