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Dan Wismar

Vrabel2Well, it was nice talking football for a week. After a brief pause from scandal talk here in the Leaves, we are dragged back to it by a major development in the Ohio State-Jim Tressel saga.

Ohio State formally responded Friday to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations, self-imposing what they feel are appropriate penalties for the violations alleged by the sport’s governing body, and at the same time asking the NCAA to refrain from adding additional sanctions. As the saying goes....good luck with that.

Anticipating one penalty that was going to come down one way or another, Ohio State has elected to voluntarily vacate the entire 2010 season, including the Sugar Bowl win. The university also placed its football program on two years probation effective immediately, and vacated the 2010 Big Ten Championship.

It was also revealed in the OSU statement that one player in addition to the original six named in December will be subject to a suspension for accepting free tattoos. The player, yet unnamed by the university, is likely to receive the same five-game suspension handed out to Pryor, Posey, Herron, Thomas and Adams.

OSU also announced that they are “implementing additional measures” to improve in areas like compliance and monitoring, while also continuing to work closely with the NCAA to review new information that has come to light since the initial violations were reported.


Dan Wismar

JordanHall5The 2011 college football season is only 60 days away. It really sneaked up on us because...boy, that off-season sure flew by this year, didn’t it? Nothing going on in Ohio State football for sometimes minutes on end. It is actually a quiet time for the public face of the program right now, outside of some 2012 recruiting activity. The players won’t report until August 8 and 9, the dates for freshmen and returnees respectively. And preparing OSU’s answer to the NCAA this summer is the job of Athletic Director Gene Smith and President Gee, not that of Luke Fickell or his coaching staff.

Fickell’s office is not a quiet place these days, you can be sure. He has about one month to plan....everything...and three more weeks to practice before the Akron Zips come to Columbus on September 3rd.  Okay, he has four weeks to practice.

Knowing that Jim Heacock is running the defense must allow Fickell at least a few moments of fitful sleep. The Buckeyes lost some good defensive players in Heyward, Rolle, Homan and Larimore, but there are talented and tested players moving up and...did I mention that Heacock is in charge?


Gary Benz

Chip_KellyWe'll probably never really know how it was the Jim Tressel actually came to lose his job as head coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Sure we understand the email from an unethical lawyer that Tressel stupidly didn't pass along to anyone else in authority and the false statement he made about it months later as the lynchpin. But why Tressel was ultimately forced into early retirement is murkier.

It's been several months now since the revelation of Tressel's misconduct and the "we've got his back" press conference that university president Gordon Gee and athletic director Gene Smith held saying that Tressel's job wasn't in trouble.


David Regimbal

altSummer is supposed to be a quiet time for college football fans -- a period in our yearly routine where we hunker down, play a lot of pretend football on our Xbox or PS3’s, all while trying to limit the number of nose bleeds we suffer from baseball being the only thing holding off the sports-starvation. I know this analogy is passed around quite a bit, but summer for college football fans is somewhat of a “hibernation” period.

Unfortunately, this summer hasn’t been the typical hibernation for Buckeye Nation. It’s as if ESPN forgot the hunting laws that protect sleeping giants like us. They’re taking shot after shot after shot after shot after shot after oh come on you’ve gotta be freaking kidding me... shot at Ohio State to the point where even the most blood-thirsty carnivals would think, MY GOD STOP THE VIOLENCE!

And it doesn’t stop with ESPN. There’s NBC, CBS, Yahoo!, even the freaking school newspaper is getting in on it. Then there’s the particularly hilarious instance where you give a computer to someone who knows there are seven year old children out there who have never seen their team beat Ohio State in football. God help your soul if you read anything from Bleacher Report -- articles I refuse to link to for fear of Bleacher Report AIDS.


Dan Wismar

Brewster3The exodus from Columbus of OSU coaches, quarterbacks, and committed football recruits over the last several weeks is causing me to contemplate the name of this column in a whole new way. It’s not a news headline, people...although lately it could be.

The defection last week of linebacker Ejuan Price from the 2011 class of recruits doesn’t hurt the program nearly as much as the news a few days later that 2012 five-star offensive tackle Kyle Kalis from St. Ed’s is decommitting from Ohio State, and will now visit Michigan. There is no position on the Buckeye roster thinner at the moment than offensive tackle, and Kalis was the kind of recruit that can anchor a class. There’s no getting around the fact that his decision is a major kick in the teeth for the Ohio State program. Kalis says he hasn’t eliminated OSU from consideration, but there are more doubters than believers right now.

The OSU staff has naturally tried to put the best possible face on the situation. This staff has always encouraged recruits to look around to be sure about their college destination, and they always say they only want players who truly want to be Buckeyes. But with Kalis presumably  in the fold, and their eyes on some out-of-state OT prospects, the coaches have allowed a couple of very solid 2012 Ohio tackles to get away already.


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