There is an episode of Cheers where Diane - who knows nothing about sports - wins the weekly football repeatedly using a method where she chooses a team based on which city has the better symphony or more dominant state flower. Naturally, Sam bans her from participating any longer, stating that she's ruining the sport of football. And then he steals her method.
I might steal it some point soon, too. Logic certainly doesn't work. Trending certainly doesn't work. Might as well pick the teams based on which city has the highest per capita income or the best strip clubs.
All 3 of us went a blistering 5-9 last week, and BT missed his Executive Lock of the Week again (3-3 now) as the Ravens won but didn't cover. YTD now looks like: DJC 41.5-48.5, BT/Me 39.5-50.5. It's scintillating.
So, in an effort to reverse my fortunes, I'm declaring Opposite Day and taking the opposite of each of my picks.
All odds are from