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Erik CassanoBrowns fans have a short memory. Every Autumn Sunday when the Browns are getting their brains beat in, we cry out for the team to draft offensive linemen. Yet, inevitably, when the Super Bowl passes and the draft aproaches, many of inevitably begin to clamor for the more sexy selection. In his latest, Erik Cassano says that the Browns offensive line, as presently constructed, will ruin a young quarterback ... just as it did to Tim Couch. And that's its time for the Browns to take their medicine and address the offensive line high in this years draft.


Rich Swerbinsky"There's a gleam men! Let's go get the gleam!" Man, just typing that still gives me chills to this day. Last night, Marty Schottenheimer was fired by the San Diego Chargers. And the Browns and owner Randy Lerner now have a golden opportunity to take a big step towards regaining respectability and a return to contention. Randy need to act immediately on this, and not doing so would be a huge mistake. I make the case for The Return Of Marty in my latest ...


Rich SwerbinskyEver since returning to the NFL in 1999, the quarterback position for our Cleveland Browns has been in a constant state of flux. Sadly, 2007 figures to be no different. The team returns just two shaky options in Charlie Frye and Derek Anderson, and will add a third guy to the mix via either a trade, free agency, or the draft. The way I see it, there's fifteen guys out there that could be next years starting QB for this team ... and I break them all down in my latest.


Tony LastoriaBrady Quinn, JaMarcus Russell, or bust says Tony Lastoria. He sees both of these guys as franchise type quarterbacks and says the Browns must find a way to draft one of them. Tony's take is that the Browns are unlikely to be contenders next season. So you go get your QB, and give him a year to learn, with the goal of starting him in 2008, when we will hopefully be poised to contend. And we can go get our running back or left tackle next season.


Rich SwerbinskyThe mock draft. For as long as I


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