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Gary BenzIn his Monday afternoon presser, Browns coach Romeo Crennel insisted the team was making progress, just not in that pesky win column. In his latest, Gary Benz questions that proclamation. He takes a closer look at this years six division games against last years six AFC North games. And what he found was clearly not "progress".


The Rhino gets loose today, scoffing at the notion that the Browns have another QB controversy on their hands. He says this isn't a controversy, it's just the latest sideshow to distract fans from the real problem that's confronted the team for the past eight seasons--the lack of a legitimate offensive line. Until they address that problem, the outcome of this latest tempest in a teapot won't matter a damn.


Erik CassanoWinless in the division. For the first time ever. Weren't we supposed to be a little further along by this point? In "The Morning After", Papa Cass takes a closer look at the Crennel/Savage regimes 1-11 record in division, and also finds that the team is actually 9-9 outside the division over the same stretch. Just two more games left before we can all concentrate on what we know: talking NFL Draft.


One of the naturally funniest people I know, Hiko has been a part time contributor to this website since its inception. After months of teasing me with occasional, hysterical, and sobering columns ... he's agreed to take his "Moot Points" column and make it a regular Monday feature here on the Blurbs. In today's installment, he takes an amusing look at the Shitcan Romeo Debate, child support payments, quitting smoking, and pumping his liver full of Jaeger Bombs to ease the pain that all these things cause him.


The Browns travel to Baltimore today to take on the Ravens. Baltimore can clinch a playoff spot (and possibly the AFC North) with the win they're extremely likely to get, while a Cleveland loss will mean that the Browns will have posted a perfect 0-6 record against divisional foes this season. In his preview, The Rhino asks the following question: Is there anything more infuriating to the average Browns fan than the success that the Baltimore Ravens have enjoyed?


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