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Sam AmicoSam Amico is a guy I've been reading for over a decade.  And a guy I've been trying to get to come over to TCF for well over a year.  And to the benefit of all of our readers, Sam is now a member of the family.  And with John Hnat (he of The Good, The Bad, & The Summary) ... will give us the best 1-2 punch of Cavs writers in this city, hands down.  Sam was out at the Cavs first preseason game for us last night, and in today's piece, reports on Boobie Gibson as the starting point guard, and the status of negotiations with Sasha and Andy.


Sam AmicoThe Cavs ... remember them? The defending Eastern Conference champs? Those guys that had us living and dying with them every night for most of May and June? It's easy to forget about the Cavs amidst a pennant race and the start of the football season, but we haven't here at TCF. As a matter of fact, we're very happy to have added Sam Amico to the mix for the coming season. Sam was at media day for us yesterday, and got some words from LeBron, and also chimes in on the Cavs two new additions.


Erik CassanoAre the Boston Celtics all of the sudden a force to be reckon with in the East with the additions of Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett?  This was the debate waged by TCF writers Erik Cassano and Joel Hammond, and captured here on our front page.  Erik feels the Celtics mortgaged the future and can not win with this group.  Joel is ready to pencil 'em in the Finals, and are a serious roadblock for a second straight Cavs Eastern Conference title.


Erik CassanoHe's the gift that keeps on giving for Cavaliers fans. First the Pistons passed on Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh to draft him. And just recently, his signing with Memphis essentially assured that Anderson Varejao would remain a Cav. He's Darko. Erik Cassano talks about him, as well as the Cavs free agent targets and summer league signees in this Sunday morning column.


Erik CassanoDanny Ferry went on the record before Thursday night's NBA Draft, stating that there were about 15 players that he liked, and that he'd like to try and either trade for or purchase a pick from someone. Not only did nothing happen, but two potential Cavaliers trade targets (Ray Allen and Zach Randolph) were also moved to new teams. Erik Cassano opines on the shutout, and also looks at what our competitors did in his latest piece for us.


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