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Rich SwerbinskyNothings ever easy here in CTown. Now finally able to sleep easy after LeBron's verbal commitment this weekend, I wake up this morning to an ESPN report that LBJ is not willing to take the full five year eighty million dollar deal the team offered him. I try and make sense of it all in this column, which hits on all the most recent developments.


Rich SwerbinskyCavaliers fans were able to step off the proverbial ledge yesterday, as LeBron James finally broke his silence, announcing that he would sign the contract extension the team offered him on July 1. Once he puts his John Hancock on that contract, LBJ will be signed through 2012, or for six more seasons. Will LeBron finally end the Cleveland curse in this timeframe, bringing the city it's first title since 1964?


Rich SwerbinskyThe Cavaliers offered LeBron James an extension at 12:01 AM on July 1st. Here we are, six and a half days later ... and still no public comment. Predictably, the local fan base is in full panic mode, and the national media can hardly contain their sheer excitement ... as they have been scheming ways for LeBron to leave Cleveland ever since he was drafted. My take? Chill. LBJ loves the limelight, and will verbally commit in the next couple of days.


Erik CassanoThe Cavaliers contract extension offer has now been out there for five days, and LeBron has yet to say a peep. As Cleveland fans, we are taught always to expect the worst, and our fears are usually realized. In his latest, Papa Cass urges LeBron to verbally commit so that the Cavs can begin moving some of the other chess pieces around. With Villanueva in Milwaukee, Big Ben in Chicago, and Drew Gooden waiting to see what LeBron does ... Cassano implores LeBron to commit now.


Erik CassanoBig Ben to the Bulls. Charlie Villanueva to the Bucks. Nazr Mohammed to the Pistons. Peja Stojakovic leaves the Pacers to join the Hornets. Every team in the Cavs division will look different next season. And things could get even scarier for the Cavs if these Tyrus Thomas, Luol Deng, and a 1st round pick to the TWolves for Garnett rumors have any merit. The Central Division Shakeup has officially begun.


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