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Tony LastoriaThe best Tribe minor league column on the net is back, and this week Lastoria reports on several developments from within the Indians farm system. Among the topics are a position change for Trevor Crowe, and possibly one for Kevin Kouzmanoff. Tony also talks about the player to be named later the Indians finally got in the Coco Crisp trade, and tells us what's going on with the forgotten Jeremy Guthrie and Andrew Brown.


Steve BuffumIf I didn't know any better, I'd say that was a save last night. After leading going into the ninth inning in all four games, the Indians salvaged a split with the BoSox in Beantown last night thanks to a Shin Soo Choo grand salami. Buff hits on that, Jason Davis, and Jake Westbrook giving up fifteen hits and winning in today's B-List.


Steve BuffumOuch! The losses just keep getting more painful. And based on what we've already been through this season, last nights loss was downright sinister. In today's B-List, Buff hits on the Tribe getting Carmonaed once again last night, as well as another solid effort from Jeremy Sowers. And a couple good Animal House resets. Enjoy.


Erik CassanoClosing out baseball games requires a unique mindset. We've seen so many fireballers with electric stuff fail miserably in the closer role because they didn't have what it takes upstairs. In Cassano's latest, he talks about the mentality needed to close, how underappreciated Bob Wickman was here, and what Fausto Carmona will have to learn to secure the role for the long term.


Steve BuffumIn todays B-List, Buff waxes poetic about last nights 6-3 win over the BoSox, and the teriffic performance from C.C. Sabathia. Buff also hits on Joe Inglett slugging .544 on the year, Grady Sizemore's huge season, Casey Blake's triumphant return from the DL, and the enigma that is Fernando Cabrera.


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