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Rich SwerbinskyFire Sale 2006 has officially begun, as the Indians dealt roly poly closer Bob Wickman to the Atlanta Braves for catcher Max Ramirez, a 21 year old playing for the Braves class A affiliate. Who gets dealt next? Who in the hell is Max Ramirez? Here's the latest ...


Steve BuffumThe Indians lost last night. In other shocking news, water is wet, the sun is hot, and grass is green. In today's B-List, Buff examines Cliff Lee once again hitting the 4th inning wall. He also conjures up ghosts of Bob Wolcott, hails the beginning of The Brian Sikorski Era, and tries to figure out how the Indians grounded into five double plays last night. How long till Browns season?


Tony LastoriaLastoria delves into yet another Q&A with minor league Indians prospect guru Chris Kline. In this edition, Kline provides some updates on the progress of some prospects to date, some of the disappointments and surprises this year, the current status of some injured prospects, and more in this insightful interview.


Erik CassanoWhile the postseason has long since been a reality, the Indians and manager Eric Wedge had at a fresh start after the All-Star break. Instead, we've been forced to suffer through more of the same. Uninspired play, mental errors, poor situational hitting, and being unable to capitalize off wins. It's been a fresh start gone stale for the Indians this past week, and this team is just getting very hard to watch.


Steve BuffumAmazingly, the Indians continue to find new ways to lose. And when you've lost 50 of 90 games, that's no small feat. Last night, the team gave up 17 hits, and left a mind boggling 17 men on base themselves. In today's B-List, Buff looks at Westbrook's lousy outing, Sizemore's hose, and he even manages to poke fun at Todd Hollandsworth (go figure).


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