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Tony LastoriaWhile the Indians starting rotation appears pretty much set for next season, the bullpen is a totally different story. In Tony Lastoria's latest, he argues that the team will likely look to invest a decent chuck of their off-season money on reshaping the pen, and that it will likely have a completely different look next season.


Steve BuffumImprobably, the Indians have now won two games in a row for the first time in over a month, and managed to outscore the Browns 14-7 last night. In todays B-List, Buff hits on the offensive explosion last night, and the continued emergence of one Ryan Garko. In addition, our old friend Fausto was back in the fold with a couple of effective innings of relief, and Buff has thoughts on that as well as other items from last nights game.


Steve BuffumIn todays B-List, Buff unveils another contest, attempting to piggyback off of the wild popularity of the Eric Wedge Haiku contest. And speaking of haikus, Buff has one for the departed Todd Hollandsworth today. All regular B-List readers know of Buff's affinity with Hollandsworth. Buff also hits on his growing man crush on Shin Soo Choo, Jake Westbrook neutralizing the flamable Tribe bullpen, and the beginning of The Garko Era.


Erik CassanoThe Tribe reupped Cliff Lee yesterday, signing him to a three year extenstion for fourteen million dollars with a team option for 2010. The deal takes Lee through his arbitration years, eliminating the song and dance the team and Cliff would have had to go through the next three off-seasons. Cassano is here with analysis.


Steve BuffumIf you are one of the thousands out there that already make "The B-List" part of your daily reading, you are well aware of Buff's sick sense of humor and also his high level of frustration with the 2006 Indians. If you aren't, todays version of The B-List puts both on full display. Buff goes in a little different direction with todays column, and the result is a side-splitting tale of good and evil (mostly evil) that caused me to wet myself the first time I read it.


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