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Adam Burke

HRPorchViewChris Antonetti wants the Indians to be in contention in 2013. That’s the only explanation for the free agent signings that the team has made. This Indians team, which looked like it would struggle to avoid 90 losses again, has been filling holes left and right with free agents and could find a way to sneak into contention if they keep adding to the roster. Antonetti has shown no signs of slowing down this offseason.

The Dolans appear to be willing to spend some money, possibly due to the sale of SportsTime Ohio to Fox Sports and the additional money they will receive on a yearly basis for the rights to broadcast the Indians. The interesting thing about the free agent signings is that, outside of Swisher, these are all very short-term deals and a lack of talent at the top levels of the Indians’ farm system will create the same holes at the start of 2014.

But, is it going to be enough? Can the Indians patch enough holes to keep the boat afloat into late September and be a factor in the Central Division? Whether or not they can depends on the answers to a lot of questions. On Tuesday, we finally closed the book on 2012, ending one of the worst calendar years in franchise history. Even though the planning for the 2013 season has gone on for quite a while at the corner of Carnegie and Ontario, the calendar officially turning over has to be a welcomed sight.


Nino Colla

BMyersSo my question right now is a rather simple one. It's a good question for a team like the Indians to have at this current state.

And of course that is the question that we'll be evaluating and discussing right now. But before I get to that question, let me pose this, somewhat rhetorical but also one that I'm going to try and answer before we discuss the other question.

Nino, what the hell are doing?

Friends, it's the offseason, my intros get a little weird, so stick with me for a second. But I ask this...

Who are these Cleveland Indians?

Seriously. Like I said, it sounds rhetorical, like OH MY WHO ARE THESE INDIANS!? But no really, who are these Cleveland Indians? In several ways this question needs answered.

Who are these Cleveland Indians named Aviles, Swisher, Reynolds, Bauer, Stubbs, Shaw, Albers, and now Myers?

Who are these Cleveland Indians who have suddenly decided that they're players in the offseason?

Who are these Cleveland Indians that have previously made moves like signing Kerry Wood for a few years be a huge risk, to signing a guy to a multi-year contract worth $60 million dollars?

Who are these Cleveland Indians that have decided to sign a manager who has won a World Series, and not only decide, but convince him to come and build something in a city that last won a World Series, 11 years before he was even born?


Nino Colla

NSwisherI know it's tempting to start salivating. Without the big moves they made last year, there was a little bit of hope. This year, people might start shouting playoffs or some junk like that.

I was as optimistic as the next guy, but with some guarded optimism as to what had to go right and what had to go wrong, as I was the previous year when the Indians did the exact same thing. Start hot, fizzle, oh well let's try again next year.

Things are a little different now. The Indians are not acting as a team that is ready to try and sell off what they have and build up for a future run. And why should they? They're simply taking a new angle to the situation they have, with a new manager who is being brought in to win now, why would you do anything else?

You already have invested in the trade for Ubaldo Jimenez, why not just throw your eggs in the contention basket at this point, right? The Choo trade is simply common sense. He's a commodity that helps you, but one that could help you in a greater way, not just now, but in the future, because he sure as hell isn't helping you beyond 2013.

That's why the Indians were so staunch on trading Asdrubal Cabrera. Would they have? If they got the right deal, of course, but Cabrera has more value beyond 2013, so holding onto him makes more sense than trading him, unless trading him makes too much sense.

So here we are, the Indians, chased after Nick Swisher. And it appears to me as if they were the team that wanted him the most, from beginning to the very end of him signing this $56 million dollar deal. Let me spit some economics at you.


Adam Burke

nick-swisherAfter spending last week courting Nick Swisher, the Indians finally got their man. Swisher signed a four-year, $56M deal with a vesting option for a fifth season at $14M for 2017. It's easily the biggest free agent contract in franchise history and continues the trend this offseason of GM Chris Antonetti going big or going home. In Swisher, the Indians get a high-energy player whose bat is still very productive and will be almost 37 at the end of the contract, if the option vests.

The Indians made it clear from the beginning that Swisher was their target. They were one of five or six teams who expressed interest in the former Yankee, White Sock, and Athletic, but appeared to be the most active right from the start. In a lot of ways, Swisher serves as a Shin-Soo Choo replacement, and likely at a cheaper price than what the Scott Boras client will get on the open market. Some of Swisher's production over the last four years should be taken with a grain of salt, as he played at Yankee Stadium, which has very hitter-friendly dimensions for guys who bat left handed and he has plenty of lineup protection. Even still, Swisher hit 77 home runs over three seasons in Oakland, where home runs go to die in the heavy marine air and spacious outfield. With age, it's reasonable to expect some drop-off, but if healthy, it should not be enough of a loss of production to make this look like a bad contract. Given the market and Swisher's worth, this is a very reasonable contract and comes in right around market value.


Al Ciammiachella

bauer copy“Your boys have been busy lately.” A pretty simple, seemingly innocuous one-line e-mail that I received from a friend of mine earlier this week. With no context attached, the mind is left to wonder exactly what he was referring to, but being that I don’t have kids and the friend is a big baseball fan (albeit a Mets fan), it was crystal clear to me exactly what he was getting at; the Indians are making an uncharacteristic amount of noise this offseason. The Indians have been linked, at one time or another, to Justin Upton, Dee Gordon, Kevin Youkilis, Shane Victorino, Edwin Jackson, Jason Bay and others from outside the organization, and speculation is rampant that everyone from Justin Masterson to Asdrubal Cabrera to Vinnie Pestano could make their way off of the North Shore during the silly season© (copyright Paul Cousineau). Unlike years past, there has also been actual player movement, as the Indians have inked Mark Reynolds to a free agent deal and of course made the blockbuster trade that sent the S.S. Choo steaming south to Cincy in return for Drew Stubbs and Trevor Bauer. At press time, nothing was settled on the Nick Swisher front but the Indians have reportedly made him an offer somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 years and $50+ million to settle their current RF dilema. They’ve also recruited him with an unorthodox series of stunts to include a video pitch featuring Thad Matta, Jim Tressel and Urban Meyer imploring the former Buckeye to “come home” to play in Cleveland. No word on whether or not hologram Woody Hayes was available. So with my crazy international travel schedule finally winding down for the foreseeable future, let’s take a look at some of the Indians related links here on the last Lazy Sunday before Christmas.


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