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Nino Colla

grady duncanPiece by Piece is an offseason long series that covers the Cleveland Indians organization and their outlook in a position-by-position process. Today's position is left field.

Since 2002...

Russell Branyan (sort of..)

Matt Lawton

Coco Crisp

Jason Michaels

David Dellucci

Ben Francisco

Kenny Lofton

Austin Kearns

Shelley Duncan

Johnny Damon

Michael Brantley

I may or may have forgotten someone. Some of those names aside, and even those names you set aside, the situation the Indians have had to deal with for the past decade in regards to who manned left field has been dicey.


Nino Colla

cclee01I guess I just don't get it...

I tried to figure out what it is the Toronto Blue Jays are doing this offseason. I really have. I get the trade. Who wouldn't want to acquire all that talent? That's fantastic for them.

But they did it all without a manager and then proceed to say they had a few guys they were going to hire, any of which were rumored to be Manny Acta or Mike Hargrove.

Look I like Grover as much as the next guy, and I'm still a Manny Acta guy, but what are you doing Toronto? They also threw around names like Jim Tracy and John Riggleman. Recycling names that have been around is cool. I get it. You have a lot of developed talent and expecting to compete, you want someone with experience.

So I can understand not getting a guy like Sandy Alomar Jr., that's cool. But not just recycling an old name, but one of your old own names? John Gibbons will return as the Blue Jays manager with a two-year contract, four years after he was let go. Even Gibbons said that he was surprised by the move. 

Of course, a lot of the things that led to Gibbons getting canned the first time around, Ted Lilly, and Shea Hillenbrand, are both long gone, but it is just, interesting. On one hand, I give the Jays credit for grabbing the guy they want, regardless of the circumstances, but on the other hand, it's just strange.


Adam Burke

HRPorchViewIt’s no secret that the Indians need starting pitching. Not one regular starting pitcher from the 2012 team qualified as being above replacement level. Justin Masterson regressed last season. Ubaldo Jimenez does not appear to be the answer that the Indians thought he would be. Zach McAllister showed promise, but gradually morphed back into an average starter. Corey Kluber missed some bats, but also hit too many barrels. Various other guys like David Huff, Jeanmar Gomez, and Carlos Carrasco cannot be counted on.

This past season, the Indians entered the fourth inning trailing in 77 of their 162 games. Extend that out to the beginning of the fifth inning and the Indians trailed in 86 of 162 games. Of those 77 games where the Indians were behind after three innings, they won just 12. Of those 86 games where the Indians were behind after four innings, they won just 13. To simplify it even further, the Indians were behind 48 times after one inning this season. They went 7-41 in those games.

With a lead after three innings, the Indians went 41-15. With a lead after four innings, the Indians went 44-10. In tie game situations after three and four innings, the Indians went 15-14 and 11-11, respectively. The moral of this story? The Indians need starting pitching badly. In today’s specialized MLB, and with the Indians left handed-heavy lineup that is easy to match up against, playing from in front is essential. The Indians were buried far too often by their starters last season and it clearly cost them.


Nino Colla

loganmorrisonI find it interesting, because a few weeks ago, we openly pondered the shortstop situation with our dear Cleveland Indians.

Then Mike Aviles trade happened.

And now the whole, situation has changed. If you haven't been paying attention, Miami traded their entire roster to Toronto and it has produced a major shakeup in the American League East as now, Toronto is a bonafied threat to not just compete, but win that entire division. Not only did they acquire a potential All-Star shortstop in Jose Reyes, but they acquired a capable Cy Young pitcher in Josh Johnson and a dependable veteran in Mark Buehrle. Their rotation has depth, they've added a significant offensive piece, and also another guy in Emilio Bonifacio that can do some damage in several different spots.
Oh yeah, and uh, the Blue Jays signed Melky Cabrera too, so there's that. They still don't have a manager though. What if they did end up hiring Acta? How crazy would that be. Or they could go with a Rabbi. Whatever though, that's cool too.
It cleared up the Yunel Escobar situation and the Jays went from Escobar to Aviles to Reyes in a span of, oh several weeks and there is now one less-suitor if the Indians were to be looking to trade Asdrubal Cabrera or if the Rangers wanted to move Elvis Andrus.


Nino Colla

SSChoo02The holidays are rapidly approaching, with Thanksgiving not more than two weeks away from now and the Christmas buzz following immediately after.

So while it is holiday time for most, it means only one thing. Shopping time. It is also shopping time for the world of major league baseball as well, because guess what? Teams have money and there are players out there looking to make it.

With that shopping season for teams, comes rumor season. Rumor season is fun because everything is a rumor, but the thing is, a rumor means nothing.

I guess that's the theme of this edition of the Offseason Rundown. Many rumors, but little of anything to get excited about. So get excited to not get excited. I'm sorry for crushing your hopes and dreams right off the bat.


I'm not going to get excited about certain things, because I get it. I'm a realist and until the unbelievable starts to become believable, I'm going to touch it.


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