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Steve BuffumIn today's B-List, Buff goes inside yesterdays throttling of the Athletics. Included are thoughts on the resurgence of Paul Byrd, the return of Fernando Cabrera, and the implosion of the Oakland bullpen.


Tony LastoriaIn Lastoria's weekly gander at the Indians minor league system, he takes a particularly close look at outfielder Jason Dubois. Dubois is tearing the cover off the ball at Buffalo, and could be one of the first bats we see called up this season.


Steve BuffumIn today's B-List, Buff takes a look at yesterdays much needed win versus the Pale Hoes and his blossoming hatred for Boone Logan. Buff also examines the return of C.C. and Victor Martinez finally throwing out a freaking base stealer.


Steve BuffumAny column that starts with "I hate the White Sox" is OK in my book, and that is just the start of the vitrol in today's B-List. In addition to his daily detailed recap of yesterdays game, Buff also manages to take a shot at Jim "It can't be all about greed" Thome, and applaud the beaning of the most annoying player in baseball, A.J. Pierzynski.


Steve BuffumBuff takes a look back at the weekend series with the Rangers that saw the Tribe drop two of three. CAUTION: This column contains Chinese water torture analogies and harsh truths about exactly how badly Jason Michaels sucks.


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