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Tony LastoriaIndians writer Tony Lastoria comes strong with an enlightening piece on what the Indians biggest problem has been this season, and why Mark Shapiro is in denial about it. Don't forget to check out Tony's columns reviewing the happenings in the Indians minor league system on Thursdays and Sundays.


Steve BuffumThe Indians are now 1-3 against the vaunted Kansas City Royals on the season, and Buff is not happy. The faint of heart or people that are easily offended should not read todays B-List. WARNING: This column contains extreme vulgarity.


Steve BuffumBuff takes a look at the weekend series with the Mariners in the Monday edition of The B-List. Was the Indians pitching that good? Or do the Mariners hitters just suck? Buff will let you know.


Steve BuffumToday's B-List examines the horra that was yesterdays beating at the hands of The A's. By now you know what to expect in this column. A detailed look inside the box score, plenty of humor, and cheap shots at fringe players on the Indians and their opponent.


Cris SykesIn a new weekly feature, Cris Sykes takes a trip around Major League Baseball. News, notes, observations, and humor to help you get caught up with whats been going on in the nations pasttime ...


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