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Gary Benz

Lance Armstrong is a liar, but that's hardly the extent of his sins. He's also a thief, a fraud, a serial cheat, a gutless bully and about the worst possible guy you can ever imagine a guy being. While there seems to be a growing trend in the media at the moment to put Armstrong's transgressions on some sort of sliding scale giving him a relative pass for some and railing against him for others, there's no need for the exercise. He's a despicable being unworthy of anything more than completely fading from the national conscious and crawling back under the rock where he came from.


Adam Burke

sportsbookCollege football is officially over and just seven NFL games remain as the betting season is starting to wind down for most recreational players. Really sharp amateurs are taking advantage of early tennis and golf lines, while other players are bobbing and weaving through basketball season. The return of the NHL will give players another sport to bet on, though it is not one that gets a lot of action. With mostly just regular season hoops going on, it’s a tough time to be a profitable bettor.

There are four NFL games this weekend worthy of taking a look at, so that’s where I’ll start this week. I’ll start in the NFC, as both AFC games have big spreads. The NFC presents one very interesting opportunity this week with a very interesting line. The Atlanta Falcons, fresh off their bye week during the wild card round, host the Seattle Seahawks. The Seahawks are in a traditional fade spot, making a cross-country trek for the second straight week. The line sits at Atlanta -2.5, which would indicate that the Seahawks would be favored on a neutral field. With the way the Seahawks are playing and general skepticism about the Falcons, it seems like a fair assessment.


Adam Burke

nhlWith the lockout in the rearview mirror, the rush is on to get the season started and put together a 48-game schedule to begin by January 19. The condensed schedule will be difficult on the players, especially the ones who chose not to play during the lockout, and will force the NHL season to go longer than ever before.

John Shannon of Sportsnet reports that the NHL season will conclude on April 27 and playoffs could run as long as June 28, which was supposed to be the first night of 2013 NHL Entry Draft. That means 48 games in 99 days for the regular season and then another two months of playoffs for the Stanley Cup Finals participants. The NHL trade deadline is projected to be the first week of April. Keep in mind that a lot of teams share a cable sports network with the Major League Baseball team in that city, which will make for a lot of headaches for the networks.

Teams will only play the other teams in their conference, which will benefit most of the league, but Columbus, Detroit, and Winnipeg will not enjoy their schedules. Those three teams will have the hardest travel schedules because of their geographic location. Training camps are expected to open on January 13, so it will definitely be a race to get in shape for the NHL season. The schedule has not been released in its entirety yet, though it was announced this afternoon that the CBA had been ratified by the NHL Board of Governors.


Greg Popelka

joie chitwood car jump tube standsThe public knew of the Joie Chitwood Thrill Show mostly by reputation, I think. It had been featured on ABC’s Wide World of Sports. It was seen in movies, on television commercials, and on shows such as That’s Incredible. But the exposure the show received was limited, by today’s standards.


Thomas Moore

2013 01 cleveland review 4So 2012 has come and gone without another championship from any of Cleveland’s teams.

While there were no titles to celebrate, there were still plenty of stories, from firings to trades, to too many losses and too few wins.

Our annual review of the year in Cleveland sports concludes with the fourth quarter of the year. (In case you missed the First Quarter, click here. Second Quarter can be found here. Third Quarter? Right here).

The Browns hit the quarter-mark of the season, filling fans with likes, dislikes, hopes and fears.

The NFL Network takes a few liberties with the truth in Cleveland ’95: A Football Life.

Despite taking an early lead, the Browns lose to the New York Giants to fall to 0-5 on the season for the first time since 1999.

Losers of a franchise-record 11 consecutive games, the Browns wonder when they will smell the sweet scent of success.


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