The Cleveland Fan on Facebook

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Misc General General Archive The Cleveland Fan Has a New Home on Facebook
Written by David Regimbal

David Regimbal

altWe interrupt your regularly scheduled sports articles for a very important message from

As of 11/14/2011, has a new home on Facebook! We created a page to replace the “group” our website currently uses on Facebook - and if you haven’t “liked” our page yet, then you are doing the Internet wrong. To do the Internet correctly, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Facebook
  2. Go to
  3. Click the “Like” button

** Important -- After you do this, do not panic. Your Facebook news feed will explode with all the top content has to offer, and yes, this is completely natural.

After you have liked our page, you can tell all your friends to do the same. Don’t be a hoarder, we’re adults for crying out loud, so share your gift. This is important because the person who suggests the most friends to our page will win a prize that is totally real and definitely not made up.

We look forward to seeing you on Facebook, where we will continue to bring you the best Browns, Cavs, Indians, and Buckeyes coverage on the web.

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