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Mitch CyrusIt seems like it happens every Summer. Some highly anticipated big budget extravaganza hits the screens...and the screens would prefer to hit right back. For 2009, Mitch says that tradition will continue with "Terminator Salvation", a disappointing downer of a movie with a one-note performance by its leading actor, a heartless script, and a director without a clue as to handle the legacy given to him by James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mitch reviews the film for us here at The Cleveland Fan.


Mitch CyrusRon Howard's new movie "Angels & Demons" is written by the same man who created the controversial "The Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown. That novel polarized Christians across the world, and the brouhaha surrounding the 2006 release of the movie based upon that novel, starring Tom Hanks, resulted in it being an almost-must-see film and a financial success, pulling in over $750 million world-wide. Based on those numbers, you knew a sequel was coming. We sent Mitch out to review it for our readers.


Mitch CyrusHappy Memorial Day Weekend! Hope you have lots of great plans going on this weekend. Picnics, camping, travelling, watching the Cavs win (knock on wood). So you want to go to the movies this weekend as well? No problem. "Star Trek" is still playing to packed houses. For the rest of the releases? Mitch says this has been a very disappointing Summer Season so far. And talks about that, as well as all the week's theater and DVD releases in The Crystal Ball.


Mitch CyrusWell, another season of "24" is in the books, and while far-fetched ... this season was as entertaining as any. And this column ... WOW. It really developed a huge following this season, due entirely to Mitch's rapier like wit and downright hysterical episode recaps and final thoughts. Tonight, Mitch checks in to talk about the two hour season finale from this past Monday night. Mitch also gives us his thoughts on the season, and some breaking news about the eighth season of "24", which is already in the planning stages.


Mitch CyrusAs Mitch predicted last week, "Star Trek" totally kicked Wolverine's adamanteum laced rear end at the box office. And this week, we have another week, and another Blockbuster. But there will be no slam dunk at the box office this week, as there is a good chance that "Angels & Demons" finishes up in second place to Kirk and Spock. Mitch takes a look at all the week's theater and DVD releases in this week's edition of The Crystal Ball.


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