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Mitch CyrusIt's baaaaaaaccckkk! Sorta. Simply put, the movies and videos that come out during September and October are 99% crap. So rather than putting himself and our readers through a Chinese Water Torture routine of discussing the banality of it all in a weekly drip, drip, drip fashion (or is it flop, flop, flop?), Mitch is going to slowly ease back into this by giving a high level oversight of the month all in One Swell Foop. Luckily...we now have FOOTBALL to watch, so who cares how much this tripe stinks?


Mitch CyrusAlways great to see The Mitch Man on the front page of The Cleveland Fan. We sent our trusty film critic out to go see Quentin Tarantino's heavily hyped new film, "Inglorious Basterds". Mitch had high expectations of the film, based on Tarantino's reputation and the advanced buzz generated about the project. And while it wasn't quite what he was expecting, Mitch felt it lived up to the hype, calling it Quentin's best film since "Pulp Fiction". He reviews it for our readers in his latest.


Mitch Cyrus


"Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" was to be my final review of the "Summer Season" due to my semi-sabbatical (In other words, "how can we miss you if you won't go away").  After I was to complete this, I was going to stay out of the theaters for at least a month before popping back in once again to take a look at Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorius Basterds" in late August.

So I went to see Harry and the rest of the Hogwarts crew last Thursday.  It's a week later, and I'm finally able to put SOMETHING to paper...but not what I expected.  And that "something" is just to say that I can't truly do a fair review of this movie.

Why?  Because I'm a fan.  And because this series is completely unique to modern filmmaking history.

Of course I'm a movie fan.  You don't become a movie critic if you aren't, unless you are truly a masochist (oh, wait.  I'm a fan of Cleveland sports teams...maybe that should be telling me something).  But there is a big difference between being a fan of movies, and a fan of a particular film.  With the exception of the Harry Potter films, and the Lord of the Rings films, I am not a fan of a particular movie until AFTER I've seen it.  There are movies I look forward to seeing, hoping that they meet the expectations I've raised in my own mind for them.  Sometimes I become a big fan of these types of movies, such as "Star Trek",  "The Departed", and "Sweeney Todd".  Other times, I'm bitterly disappointed in the waste of potential, such as "Body of Lies", "The Taking of Pelham 123", and "The Other Boleyn Girl".


Mitch CyrusIn the action-thriller Public Enemies, acclaimed filmmaker Michael Mann directs Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, and Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard in the incredible and true story of legendary Depression-era bank robber John Dillinger (Depp), the charismatic bank robber whose lightning raids made him the number one target of J. Edgar Hoover's fledgling FBI and its top agent, Melvin Purvis (Bale), and a folk hero to much of the downtrodden public. We sent Mitch to the theaters to see this one, and he reviews it for our readers today on TCF.


Mitch CyrusIt's a kinda sad day for The Cleveland Fan. But, as the old saying goes; there is a time for everything. For Mitch, it's time to go on hiatus for a little while. After 3


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