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Mitch CyrusAnd the Blockbuster season begins! The Mitch Man took last week off to head up to Cleveland for the Mother of all Draft Parties ... and a great time was had by all. But now it's back in the saddle as things come roaring out of the gate for a highly anticipated Summer schedule. Mitch previews all this weeks theater and DVD releases, as well as all the latest Hollywood news, rumors, and projects in this week's "Crystal Ball".


Mitch CyrusJust three episodes left ... one hour the next two weeks and then the final two hour episode on May 18th. And what a season of "24" it has been. The show gets slightly more far fetched each season, but the entertainment value this season has been off the charts. Jack has three hours to beat the illness and kill Tony Almeida. Unless of course, like some in our movies/TV message forum think, Tony isn't really a bad guy and that there is a method to his madness. What does Mitch think? He tells us in his latest "24" recap ...


Mitch CyrusA couple of big surprises on "24" this week, including Kim's family situation, details of the latest version of the Blue Man Conspiracy Group, and the fate of JonVoight. Renee continues to make puppy dogs jealous of her sorrowful looks regarding last week's killing off of Larry. Mitch tries to make sense of it all, (when he's not poking fun at it), in this week's recap.


Mitch CyrusBack at the theaters for us after a little break (nothing worth seeing), Mitch takes some time to review "State Of Play" for our readers. Mitch says a formidable cast of Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, and Jason Bateman has taken this adaptation of the BBC mini-series, Americanized it, and under the direction of Kevin Macdonald, of "The Last King of Scotland" fame, given us a gripping, suspenseful film.


Mitch CyrusIt's finally time! Movies are BACK, baby! Starting this weekend, we now have high profile movies that are either Blockbuster material, or serious adult entertainment (and I mean by being intelligent, not pornographic, so get your minds out of the gutter). Mitch has taken quite the semi-sabbatical from doing movie reviews lately, spending his time on this column, some "best of" lists, and of course, his weekly "24" recaps. But that will now change, as he will be reviewing at least one movie a week for the next 14 weeks.


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