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Rich SwerbinskyThis just in - Ohio State has a pretty damn good basketball team this season. Lost amid the hype of the football team, and awaiting the return of phenom Greg Oden, the teams dominating 6-0 start has gone largely unnoticed. In my latest, I recap the Buckeyes start to the season, which has been fueled by the members of The Thad Five not named "Oden".


Mike FurlanIn Furls' post game wrap up of the HUGE win versus that team up north, he says that the Buckeyes outclassed off the field and on it. And that the offensive line isn't getting enough credit for a phenomenal performance against the vaunted Wolverine defensive line. And as always, Furls grades the units and grades his pre-game predictions.


Erik CassanoWe all know what happened in the Earthly realm Saturday when Ohio State took it to Michigan. But what we're all eager to know is, what happened in God's country during the first game with both Woody Hayes and Bo Schembechler as members of the hereafter? So allow us to put words in the mouths of our dearly departed, and just imagine what must have been going on at heaven's official OSU-Michigan viewing party ...


Erik CassanoPapa Cass checks in on a Monday morning to give his thoughts on Saturday's Big Ten title game. It was the type of game none of us expected, and that's part of what makes this rivalry great. Cassano also gives his thoughts on whether or not there should be a rematch in Glendale, Arizona in January.


Cris SykesSimply amazing. What an atmosphere down in Columbus and inside the Shoe. And what a ball game. Sykes checks in with his thoughts on the game and the possibility of a rematch. And Furls and I, who were seated in section 11A for this epic showdown, will do the same tomorrow.


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