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Rich SwerbinskyWell, so much for those Tressel to the Browns and Troy Smith at #3 overall discussions we all expected this off-season. The Gators came. They saw. They kicked our ass. As badly as the Buckeyes were dominated on the field, it pales in comparison to the coaching mismatch in this game. Plain and simple, Urban Meyer owned Jim Tressel in this one. As painful as it was for me this morning, I felt the need to put some of my thoughts on the game into words. I give my take on last nights disaster in this morning after rant.


I think we could all use a good laugh today. Enter Hiko and "Moot Points". See, Moot is normally a Monday piece. I told Hiko we were going to move it to Tuesday this week because we had National Championship preview columns to run and I also wanted his take on the game in the piece. Well, ask and I shall recieve. He took yesterdays column, and "edited" it a little after last nights game. The end result provides a good laugh. CAUTION - This column contains massive amounts of profane language. Not for the easily offended.


Mike FurlanFresh off debunking the myth of "SEC Speed" in his previous column, Furls now takes aim at the SEC, which has been hailed all season by the national media as the top conference in America. Yet tonight, the Buckeyes have a chance to make the Big Ten 3-0 in bowls against the big, bad SEC. Furls breaks down the Big Ten and the SEC in his latest, looking for the truth.


Mike FurlanThe Florida offense. We've heard all about Urban Meyer's reputation as a great offensive mind. His infatuation with trick plays and other gimmicky things. The spread, and the speed they have on the outside. When it's all said and done, how good are they? How does the Buckeye defense match up with them? Furls delivers the 411 this gameday morning in an excellent piece that breaks down this matchup.


Mike FurlanWe all know what the Buckeyes offense is going to try and do. Ask the Wolverines, their equipment managers are still trying to remove the cleat marks from the backs of their defensive players' uniforms. Tressel is going to spread 'em out, and feature alot of 3, 4, and 5 wide reciever sets. Does Florida have the personnel to stop the vaunted Buckeye attack? What will they throw at Troy Smith and the boys to try and neutralize Troy Smith and company? Furls gives his thoughts on the matter.


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