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Mike FurlanIn his preview, Furls asked if there was any fight left in the Illini. In his recap, he asks why the Buckeyes stopped fighting in the second half. After getting out to an easy 17-0 lead in the first half, the Fighting Illini defense shut down the Ohio State offense. What in the hell happened?


Mike FurlanThat is the $41.00 question going through the minds of Buckeye fans making the trek up to Champaign-Urbana. Right now a pair of Ohio State vs. Illinois football tickets can be purchased on Ebay for that price. That is also about 2/3


Mike FurlanIn this weeks "Furls 15" we see no movement in Furls top seven teams in the nation. Furls ranks his top college football teams with explanations, and also begins to start to make sense of how the BCS bowl games may shake out. As always, check back in on Saturday morning for Furls best damn Buckeye football game preview in the land.


Mike FurlanAs if this year's Ohio State - Michigan game didn't have enough drama surrounding it, there is now speculation that it may be the last game ever played on natural grass in Ohio Stadium. The University's problems with the playing surface continue to fester, and as we speak ... the school is replacing the grass in the stadium for the second time this year. Furls chimes in with the lastest from "Turfgate".


Cris SykesIn his latest, Cris Sykes takes a look back at the week that was in college football, and is still having a hard time finding a team in the same class as the Buckeyes. Sykes looks back at the Buckeyes mauling of the Gophers, hits on USC being exposed, breaks down the Big East and the BCS, and updates his Heisman ballot in this week's "4th And 12".


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