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Gary BenzContracts are the talk in Cleveland these days. Fans are upset the Indians gave Eric Wedge a new one, and dismayed that Brady Quinn hasn't signed one. Gary Benz doesn't understand the wild fan overreaction in either case, and pens about it in his latest column for us here at The Cleveland Fan.


Erik CassanoWith traning camp now a week underway, Erik Cassano finishes up his position by position look at the 2007 Cleveland Browns with an analysis of the special teams units, coaching, front office, and ownership. What are Erik's thoughts on the Dawson, Zastudil, Cribbs trio? Will Rob Chudzinski be able to breathe life into an offense that has been anemic for going on a decade? Is Romeo a lame duck? Does Randy Lerner love English Premiere soccer more than the NFL? Erik has the answers.


Mansfield LucasMansfield Lucas says it's as predictable as Eric Wedge leaving a pitcher in too long, as a Cleveland team losing the big game, as Buff making him spit beverages all over his monitor laughing at The B List. A high Browns' draft choice holds out and peeps take it personally.  Mansfield urges Browns fans to calm down and assures all will be forgotten soon with the Brady Quinn holdout.  After all, it's just business. 


Erik CassanoThe Browns have been beset by a siege of injuries to the secondary in years past, but no unit on the team has greater potential this season.  In Leigh Bodden, Eric Wright (pictured), Sean Jones, and Brodney Pool ... the team has a solid young quartet of defensive backs that could invoke memories of the Dawg Days back at Municipal Stadium.  Erik Cassano continues his position by position look at the 2007 Cleveland Browns.


Gary BenzGary Benz makes note today of yet another example of journalist laziness.  Braylon Edwards is in the image repair business and every single main stream media outlet took the bait, writing nearly identical pieces on the allegedly kinder, gentler Braylon.  By now ... you should know you're not going to get that fluff from Gary.  And you don't in this piece.


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