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Jesse LamovskySadly, Browns fans will be watching with trepidation tomorrow as the Bengals make their way up from Cinci-tucky for a week two battle with the Browns on the lakefront at Cleveland Browns Stadium. Despite being seven point dogs at home, do the Browns stand any chance of defending their home field tomorrow against the Bengals, a team we used to mop the field with? Jesse Lamovsky previews the Browns/Bengals game for us.


Gary BenzMan, talk about a radical change in modus operandi. Just a week after saying there's no reason the team could not compete and win lots of games this season, Phil Savage essentially pulled the plug on the 2007 Browns season in the presser announcing the trade of Charlie Frye on Tuesday. In Gary's latest, he breaks down the Savage press conference and talks about the ramifications of tossing in the towel on a season just nine days after it started.


Erik CassanoYou know how the old saying goes.  Coaches who listen to the fans are destined to end up in the stands with them.  Yet it appears public opinion is, in fact, influencing the method to Phil Savage's and Romeo Crennel's madness.  And this is the topic of Erik Cassano's latest piece. Erik says Phil Savage and Romeo Crennel are the masters of the mixed message. And the whole team is suffering because of it.


Nick AllburnWe unveil a new feature here at TCF this afternoon called "Heroes & Zeroes", crafted by Nick Allburn.  Each week he's going to assign dog bones and demerits to five players on the Browns who excelled and five who stunk up the joint.  There were no shortage of candidates for the Zeroes this week, headlined by our seriously overmatched head coach ... but who did Nick identify as his Heroes for this week?


Gary BenzIs Randy Lerner watching?  Is Randy Lerner listening?  These are the two questions Gary Benz keeps returning to after further mulling the sad state of affairs in Berea.  Gary argues that Lerner has assembled a rudderless ship, a team with no clear leader or management structure.  The Cleveland Browns have become a national joke that continues to provide fresh material to their audience every day and dumping their starting quarterback after only one game is just the latest gem. The only problem is that it’s not particularly funny for any of us that give a damn. But is it to Lerner? Who knows?


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