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Jesse LamovskyThirty six quarterbacks have been taken in the top five selections of the draft over the last forty years. How have they ended up faring? Jesse Lamovsky is here to let us know. Starting in 1967, Jesse has gone back and chronicled every quarteback taken top five, in a desperate attempt to try and determine the boom/bust chances of JaMarcus Russell and Brady Quinn ... two players the Browns are rumored to have alot of interest in.


Gary BenzOver the course of the the last couple decades, the NFL Draft has transformed from an administrative activity to an event. Two days of TV coverage. Months of analysis. Huge parties at Panini's downtown. Endless columns on websites like this one. In Gary Benz's latest, he talks about the circus the draft, and the "smokescreen season" leading into it has become.


Rich SwerbinskyJust ten days until draft day, and I've refreshed my mock draft as we head down the home stretch. I've fully projected out the first two rounds, as well as every one of the Browns selections through the end of the draft. Who do I have us taking at the top of the first round? JaMarcus Russell? Brady Quinn? Joe Thomas? Adrian Peterson? Nope, nope, nope, and nope. A guy named Brown from Penn State? What?!?


Mansfield LucasHands down, this is one of the most brilliant pieces we've posted on this website. It's Part IV of Mansfield Lucas's off-season assessment of the 2007 Cleveland Browns. In it, he examines the two glaring weak spots on the team that make playoff contention unlikely: the offensive line and the quarterback situation. Hard hitting analysis here from Mansfield, and a must read for any Browns fan.


Mike FurlanIn Furls' latest, he has a little literary fun with the NFL Draft. More specifically, with the skyrocketing draft status of JaMarcus Russell ... and the plummeting status of Troy Smith. How could one bowl game from each change so much? And who will really end up being the better quarterback?


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