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Rich SwerbinskyThe Browns bolstered both lines of scrimmage Wednesday night, announcing the signings of Robaire Smith and Seth McKinney, two of the more attractive free agent linemen still available in the marketplace. Robaire will immediately be penciled in at one of the starting defensive end spots ... and McKinney will vie for the starting right guard job and also provide insurance to Hank Fraley at center.


The Rhino's mantra has been consistent since the Browns draft position was first established: trade down, add picks, and restock the lines of scrimmage. And quite frankly, that sounds pretty damn good to me too. However, he senses that the team is zeroing in on Brady Quinn, who he's spent the last four years analyzing. He has his doubts on Quinn as a NFL QB, but if we do take him, implores Phil Savage to spend the next several picks on linemen to protect him.


Erik CassanoErik Cassano confesses to maybe just being hypersensitive to all transgressions concerning the Browns, but the recent running back shuffle with us and Baltimore has him worried. His thoughts? That maybe by signing Jamal Lewis, we did the Ravens a favor. And that Willis McGahee is the back we should have targeted from the get go.


Cris SykesWell, you can be sure of one thing, Phil Savage isn't sitting around in his office playing free cell. The Browns were very active once again today, trading Reuben Droughns, signing a restricted free agent to an offer sheet, and releasing one of the longest tenured Browns on the roster. Cris Sykes has the update for us ...


Erik CassanoAs Cleveland sports fans, we all got two big pieces of news last night. The Browns signed Jamal Lewis. And the Cavs took a big step towards possibly making a run at the #1 seed in the East with a huge road win over the rival Pistons. Papa Cass opines on both topics in his latest column for us. And lobs a big "neener, neener" Bill Simmons way.


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