There I was, crouched in my garden, picking habaneras, when I noticed it - an ant, crawling innocently up the stalk towards a leaf, unaware of the small wolf spider that was perched just above and behind it, watching with spider-y evil intent.
And as the ant reached the leaf, pow-zam! The wolf spider danced down the stalk and had the poor insect in its grip in what seemed an instant. A bite, a flurry of moving legs, and the ant was incapacitated, poisoned, cocooned, and ready for dinner.
The death of this ant is a metaphor for the Browns-Bears preseason game.
Who cares about the passing of a single ant? Well, the ant, I guess. And maybe its family, if it has a little ant wife and ant kids waiting back home for daddy to walk in with a juicy habanera chunk, a walk he will never make.
And who cares about the 4th preseason game? Well, the players, I guess. And maybe their agents and girlfriends and jewelry store creditors.