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Jeremy Klein

Trent-Richardson copyAll eyes will be on Brandon Weeden during the Browns' season opener this Sunday at home versus the Miami Dolphins. Here are three other things to watch for:

1. Trent Richardson’s Big Play Ability

Trent Richardson showed a lot of good things in his rookie season. He proved that he can be a tough runner between-the-tackles, he can catch passes out of the backfield, and he has a nose for the end zone inside the five (a very underrated skill). None of that was particularly surprising; those skills were all part of his profile when he came out of Alabama to be the third overall selection in the 2012 NFL draft.


Chris Hutchison

power rankings 2011-a-pThis is usually the part of my rankings articles where I briefly discuss the previous week's Browns game.  Since there was no Browns game this week (the last one they played was more meaningless than my 7th grade self pledging eternal devotion to a photo of Elle MacPherson while locked in the upstairs bathroom), I instead will foretell the future; I will channel the average Browns fan during Sunday's Titanic Contest with the Dolphins of Miami.


Jeremy Klein

rhodesThe Cleveland Browns’ secondary is bad. If you watched them at all last season, you know this to be true. If you followed the team through the offseason, you also know that the addition of rookie cornerback Leon McFadden is not enough to turn this unit around. The Browns’ secondary was bad last season, and in all likelihood, it will be bad again in 2013.


TCF Staff

IMG 0040 640x480The following submission comes to us from long-time TCF reader Roger Cohen .....................................................

My first thought was, "Spam". A mid-July email with the subject line, “Invitation to Participate in Conference”? I’m glad I clicked it open since it was actually one of our sponsor companies inviting me to speak, “all-expenses paid" at China’s Civil Aviation gathering in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China.

My first thought? Not work conflicts, not family responsibilities, but “as long as it’s before Browns’ regular season”.  Bingo – August 26-28. I figured the Indians’ season would have tanked by then and I’d only miss the last two pre-season games.   And yes, thanks to my original since 1946 Browns’ season tickets, NFL Sunday Ticket, MLB Extra Innings and even the pre-season football package, I never miss anything. Live. Ever.

But as the Indians continued to hover on the edge of wild card contention through July and most of August, I started to freak, especially when I stayed up late watching those late night Angels and A’s games. My body screamed jet-lag and it hadn’t even left the Eastern Time Zone yet.

Now as I fly back late Saturday, August 31, I feel there might be only a handful of fans in Cleveland or anywhere who suffered 24/7 as closely as I did over the past 10 days.


Gary Benz

JNFLConcussionust remember, we live in a cynical world.

The NFL is about to do a massively right thing by pulling out of its huge bank account as much as $800 million to help thousands of former players who are or may begin suffering from the effects of concussions suffered during their playing days.


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