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Gary Benz

Joe-BannerThe considered word on the street is that the Cleveland Browns will be "aggressive" when free agency opens for real late Tuesday afternoon.

Well, thanks as usual to the working class journalists who brought you that pithy bit of analysis. Left undefined though is what does it mean to be "aggressive" and it is that very definition that will be the difference between whether this team continues to occupy the 8th circle of Hell for another decade or finally graduates to a few lesser levels on its march toward real honest-to-goodness mediocrity.


Thomas Moore

2013 03 browns free agencyThe AFC North is a harsh mistress; after all, it’s not known as the NFL’s Group of Death for nothing.

(OK, maybe we’re the only one that calls it that. But it should be known as such).

And that’s a lesson that Browns CEO Joe Banner learned during the fall and one that he needs to remember as the Browns get ready for the official opening of free agency on Tuesday.

The NFL has done a great job of promoting the annual Scouting Combine to the point that fans walk around for days afterward talking about 40 times, loose hips and tight ankles.

That long weekend in Indianapolis also gets fans and the media so jazzed up that many are already working on mock drafts (sometimes multiple ones) projecting which players will be selected by which teams when the NFL Draft kicks off on April 25.

It is such an exciting time that some seemingly forget one important step, which is that no one knows who the Browns will need to draft until after we see what they do in free agency.


Gary Benz

Josh-CribbsJosh Cribbs is one of those athletes that it's both easy to like and dislike at exactly the same moment. The liking part stems from the passion and work ethic he's brought to a Cleveland Browns franchise that lacked both, from the management ranks on down. The disliking part comes from the near constant disingenuous way he goes about making sure everyone knows how much passion and worth ethic he's brought to a Cleveland Browns franchise that lacked both.

Cribbs has always been viewed as a local kid though he didn't grow up in Cleveland. He played quarterback at Kent State when they sucked (which until last season was always) and while his pure athleticism revealed him to be a unique player, he carried himself away from the field as a highly entitled big fish in a small pond and had got himself involved in some off field issues (marijuana) that caused many to question his character.


Greg Popelka

fred curly morrison card smileI am not exactly a Woody Allen kind of guy. He is brilliant, and clever. He is also whiny, and self-absorbed. And you know how Opening Day at Progressive Field is fun, despite having to tolerate the onslaught of the superficial, see-and-be-seen crowd? Attending Woody Allen’s films is very similar to that.


Gary Benz

image copy copyYou have to hand it to the NFL. The annual meat market known as the Combine has started and it’s generating all the excitement that the NFL expected when it decided to invite noodnik reporters inside the ropes to watch anonymous-looking faux student athletes attempt to trade in on their three or four year commitment to do the minimum amount of academic work at various Division I schools while enhancing the athletic budgets of said schools so that they could then get on with their life’s work, a 3-4 year career in the NFL that starts with them getting drafted in the fifth or sixth round and ends with them as another Bill Belichick-inspired salary cap victim.


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