As we often do during these dog days of summer, with an emphasis on the doggish part during the week of the Major League All-Star Break, we scour the inter-webs to find anything that resembles relevance. Often we come up short, but that's exactly how we discover the news of the weird and other quirky types of things that pique our interest, as a result of perfect timing, if for no other reason. Occasionally, I might catch a glimpse of what another scribe is doing, and that inspires me. This week's inspiration comes courtesy of's senior Indians writer, Jordan Bastian.
Bastian, who took over the beat from Anthony Castrovince three years ago, had the difficult task of filling the shoes of a very talented once-local in Castrovince, but has done a good job engaging the reader, from where I sit anyway. So, I stumbled across Bastian's blog a few nights ago, one that compiled an Indians All-Time All-Star team; great concept. Instead of putting together a team larger than my high school varsity football team, which is what the actual mid-summer classic has become, the guidelines were to create an actual 25-man roster, one that can theoretically play a 162-game schedule. While I'm sure extensive work was put in, and the roster looked great, it just looked familiar--almost too familiar.