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Erik CassanoIt's time to whip out the thermometer and take the temperature of the three Cleveland sports teams. What type of hope should you, the valued fan, be investing in the Browns, Indians or Cavaliers that they will be the team to lift the 42-years-and-counting title drought hanging over Northeast Ohio? In Papa Cass's latest, he gives you the good, bad, and ugly aspects of Cleveland's Big Three, and how far he thinks they are from title contention.


Rich SwerbinskyIt's finally here! College football season starts this Thursday. And with it, so does the Swerb's Blurbs College Football Click Em & Pick Em Challenge. Inside, we've announced the $300 prize package that our winner will walk away with. It costs nothing to enter, just log on each week and make your selections. All the details are inside.


Erik CassanoI love this column. Papa Cass is back with his latest version of "The Master List", which is a ranking of the twenty most valuable current sports stars in Cleveland. The criteria? Importance to the organization, how much the player means to the fans and the city, and also their marketability. LeBron, Grady, Pronk are 1-2-3 ... but who's in spots 4 through 20?


Rich SwerbinskyThe way I see it, if I continue improving this website in some way each month, I could have something really special 2-3 years from now. Today, we unveil Click Em & Pick Em here at The Blurbs. A free contest, with cash prizes, and absolutely no strings attached. Just another enhancement to the best damn Cleveland sports website in the land.


Erik CassanoIt's so easy to get down on the state of world sometimes. Hey, we're Cleveland sports fans. We know all about down. But we don't like to be down. And we don't want you, the valued readers, to feel down. So let's take a break from LeCharles Bentley, Bob Hallen, and the fourth-place Indians. Let's cast our troubles aside and be thankful for what we have. It's better than what some other people have. With that in mind, Papa Cass brings you a list of 10 people in the world of sports that you can be glad you aren't.


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