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Misc Movies/TV TCF Authors Mike Perry

Mike Perry was born and raised in northeast Ohio. Except for a five-year sentence in Pittsburgh, where he moved for career reasons (and from the first day looked for a way to move back) he has made the Cleveland area his home. He loves Cleveland and fondly recalls his first memory involving sports…the Miracle at Richfield. As with every other die-hard Cleveland sports fan, Perry has suffered his share of heartbreak. When Elway drove 98 yards and drove a stake through our hears he was sitting on the 40 yard-line, swilling Hungarian tomato wine to keep warm. He witnessed The Shot and The Fumble at his Kent State dorm room and sat helplessly in his apartment in Butler, Pa. when Jose Mesa melted down.

While most people credit their father with introducing them to the world of sports fandom, Perry has to thank his cousin, Jeff Short, who introduced him to Pete Franklin’s Sportsline in the early 1970’s. He is joining the staff at to provide fans of the Mid- American Conference extensive coverage of this overlooked league.

Perry is married and lives in Amherst with his wife, Christy, and his two sons Mitchell (3) and Matthew (1).

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