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Greg Popelka

mike pruitt crouch colorMy most basic reason for following sports is for the enjoyment of an entertaining diversion. I do not delude myself: I know that none of my Cleveland teams are very good; my pet saying continues to be, “it’s a process”.  I follow closely enough to possess some level of knowledge; much of that comes from reading the articles and forums on this website. I don’t begrudge our local casual fans- as long as they don’t jump on the bandwagon of the Pittsburgh Steelers. At its essence, following sports is for whatever you want it for- hopefully, enjoyment is part of the equation.


Gary Benz

Browns-Redskins 1The world has to turn, I get that. And when the world has to turn, the NFL has to play, I get that too. No one, least of all me, expected anything as important as football to really stop so that we can all pause and ponder the violent country we live in, a country where mass murder occurs with such frequency anymore that we've become as numb to it as another Cleveland Browns loss. We didn't stop for 9/11. We aren't going to stop for innocent children massacred by a mad man in an idyllic Connecticut town. The Cleveland Browns played on Sunday and lost in spectacular fashion. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. The outcome of the game will set the stage for another housecleaning in a facility that knows nothing but housecleaning and I'm still pretty sure it doesn't matter. So numbed am I by the events on Friday that it was hard enough to muster up enthusiasm for the game, let alone for figuring out once again what went wrong with the Browns.

Yet there was a game and while its significance was anything but, it did happen and it was a disaster. Let's dive in, shall we?


Jonathan Knight

brownie elfUseless nuggets of information from Sunday’s Browns game that you can certainly live without…

BAD HISTORY: With Sunday’s defeat, the Browns clinched their fifth consecutive losing record. It’s the longest stretch in team history, topping four-year skids from 2003-2006, 1995-2001, and 1990-1993. This is their 13th losing record in their last 15 seasons and 17th in their last 20.

OFFENSIVE DIFFERENCES: This was the sixth time this season and the second time in three weeks a Browns’ opponent topped 400 total yards. It also marked the sixth time this year the Browns failed to accumulate 300 yards of offense themselves.

MIXED BAG FOR T-RICH: The good news is that Trent Richardson has scored six touchdowns in his last four games, including four scores in his last two. The bad news is that in those last two games, he’s rushed for a total of just 60 yards on 29 carries. Sunday was the fifth time this year he’s rushed for less than 40 yards in a game. Still, he moved within 103 yards of the 1,000-yard mark for the season.

GO FIGURE: Though Washington more than doubled the Browns in total rushing yards (122 to 58), the Browns had a better per-carry average (3.9 to 3.5).

NO-NO NFC: The Browns have now lost seven of their last eight games against NFC opponents and are 4-16 against the NFC over the past five seasons.


Brian McPeek

WrapThe new, updated NFL Playoff scenarios are in! The way I read it, if the Bengals team plane crashes into the Steelers team plane, and the ensuing debris field wipes out the Ravens training facility in Owings Mills, MD, well, Roger Goodell would have almost no choice but to put the Browns in as the AFC Central champs!! There’s still a chance!! Sure, it depends a lot on the whimsy of air traffic controllers, but still!!!

It’s the Weekend Wrap. Chock full of STFU!!!


Chris Hutchison

money jpgHmm.  The new System, HERO (Hutchison Egotistical Rambling Orifice), has netted me a losing record the last two weeks now.  One week, sure, probably just Pagan Gods avenging themselves on me.  But two?  Huh.  Makes you wonder if maybe games can't always be accurately predicted by math.

BT went 9-6 last week, I went 7-8, and DJC went 5-10, so that pulls BT into a season-lead tie with myself at 100-101 and drops our previous leader DJC to 97-104.

OK, HERO, I'm counting on you to help me recapture my rightful place on the throne.  Work your magic, fair number-cruncher.

All odds are from


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