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Jeff Rich

Browns WinSome things just aren’t worth talking about.  They either bore you or frustrate you.  Though they have bored others and certainly frustrated us for many years, we still talk about the Cleveland Browns.  Some are healthier than others about it, but for the disturbed soul, mine is present and accounted for, we don’t stop talking about them or thinking about them.

People question our motives and wonder why we do it to ourselves.  Some just tell us to stop, as if we enjoy the self mutilation that the hoping and wishing entails.  There’s not a word in the English language that describes just how pathetic it has been, and that just disappoints our friends and acquaintances.  No one really hates us for it; that’s the worst part of all, not mattering.  If they think we’re bitter and misbehaved, that’s fine, but our football matters.  It always has, and anything you have to say to the contrary is just fightin’ words.

Finally, with an owner that we don’t really know yet, a General Manager who suddenly has our collective approval, and a Head Coach that gained a miraculous stay of execution, our beloved Cleveland Browns are relevant.  On the surface, it’s business as usual; at least to look at the current NFL Standings, the Browns are still holding down that fourth seed in the American Football Conference’s North Division with four wins and eight losses.  We’re only three quarters of the way through the season, but most would still define that as not enough wins.  Frankly, we’ve had enough with “not enough”; it hasn’t been enough to be part of any NFL conversation outside of Northeast Ohio.


Noah Poinar

brownscavslogosI couldn’t come up with an adequate story this week, so I decided to take the time to tackle the most pressing questions, issues, concerns, comments, beliefs—basically everything—Clevelant sports.  To do this, I decided to throw together an all-inclusive, Cleveland mailbag; the first of its kind.  Mailbags are hot, everyone's doing 'em.   Unfortunately, my mailbox was completely void of any and all fan mail, so I had to improvise.  It’s a gimmick that is both cheap and sad and screams desperation.  But it’s a gimmick that I feel has some legs.  To my knowledge, I don’t know if it has ever been done.  Ever.  So let’s do this.  

The Cleveland Browns ...

You might not remember this, you may have blocked it out of your mind.   But Josh Gordon was a supplemental draft pick.  Those commodities don't typically pan out for anyone, let alone a team like the Cleveland Browns.  Is this what it felt like to hit the PowerBall?

-Noah Poinar, Columbus 


Thomas Moore

2012 12 peyton hillisIf anyone was still wondering what went wrong in Denver and why the Cleveland Browns were in no hurry last season to extend the contract of running back Peyton Hillis, Thursday answered a lot of those questions.

And it left us wondering who is in control of Hillis’ brand.

But let’s back up a day.

On Wednesday, Cleveland Browns left tackle Joe Thomas was asked about last season, when Hillis, now with Kansas City, was voted Madden cover boy, wanted a new contract, went through multiple agents, missed several games (one with strep throat), was the subject of an intervention by his teammates and generally made a nuisance out of himself.

Did we leave anything out? Oh yeah, Hillis allegedly wanted to retire so he could join the CIA.


Chris Hutchison

ranking2Another week, another victory for the mighty Brownies, pulling them up to an immaculate 4-8 record and igniting playoff fever in Northeast Ohio like it hasn't seen since 1990.  Pat Shurmur made another valiant attempt to save his job, going 4-3 in the last 7 now and breaking all offensive records as we know it with his brilliant play calling and design.  With such an epic turnaround, I don't see any way this team can get rid of the Shurminator now.

Unless, of course, they want a good coach that actually has a chance of winning Super Bowls.

But that's all up to Joe Banner and Jimmy Haslam, who are apparently also contemplating trading Tom Heckert for Mike Lombardi, a move so genius that it's almost as good as trading Brandon Weeden for JaMarcus Russell.  Nowhere to go but up!


Greg Popelka

mike phipps cardIt can be easy for a writer to compile a list, and perhaps flesh out each item with a sentence or two. And that’s fine, unless it becomes a rehash of what a half dozen other writers have already put out there. Actually, I say that’s fine, but that’s assuming the list represents some minimum level of forethought.


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