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Erik CassanoThe Browns 1-5 start and the "resignation" of Mo Carthon has many fans pondering whether or not Romeo Crennel will make it through the season. And also wondering what the fate of Phil Savage and Randy Lerner will be with this franchise. In his latest, Erik Cassano looks at the good and the bad with all three men, and assesses their chances of still being with the franchise next year.


Cris SykesCris Sykes has a problem, and he's finally willing to admit it. He's a Cleveland sports fan, and there's nothing he can do about it despite the thirty years of pain and torture this addiction has caused him. Someone, somewhere, do a fellow citizen a good deed and sponsor this man.


Erik CassanoSome teams use their bye week to get healthy. Some use it to make some minor adjustments to the playbook. Some use it as a time for soul-searching. The Browns, argues Erik Cassano, did none of the above. In his "Morning After" column, Papa Cass delivers a harrowing and honest state of the union of the Browns franchise, and argues that Crennel, Savage, and even Lerner could be gone by the time this team is ready to compete.


Rich SwerbinskyThere ... was that so hard? Under direct orders to do so from team owner Randy Lerner, Romeo finally fired his buddy Maurice Carthon last last night, ending the reign of terror of one of the most inept coordinators in recent NFL history. I break down the Carthon era, and look ahead to what the future may hold in Berea in my latest.


Rich SwerbinskyLaugh or cry? Those are the only two options when watching a product as perennially embarrassing as the Cleveland Browns. Sadly, I just don't know if I care enough anymore to cry. In my latest, I take a closer look at the debacle from yesterday, and examine just how far away this team still is from becoming viable. BARTENDER!!!!


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