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Fret not Browns fans. Despite the fact we are 0-3, we can all take solace in the fact that we aren't Raiders fans ... says The Hornless Rhino. While the Browns may be young and short on talent, the Raiders are both of those and are in complete disarray with a crappy QB and terrible head coach. We better win today though says the Rhino, cause the schedule starts to get REALLY tough from here on out.


Erik CassanoNow, THESE are the Browns we've come to know and love. Heart-pounding razor-close games. Critical mistakes at the worst possible times. The opposing team driving an 80-yard stake into your heart. Waiting for the inevitable score that would lose the game. Papa Cass is here to review the latest dagger in the hearts of Browns fans in "The Morning After".


Rich SwerbinskyThe moral victory. Some people believe in them, others do not. We're seeing that clear divide between Browns fans this morning. Me personally, I'm disgusted. Why? We lost to the Ravens, and we had 'em dead to rights. How can anyone be happy this morning? Is that how far things have fallen here? Some fans are actually pleased after a loss to Crackmore? I discuss yesterdays game and the moral victory dilemma in my latest column this morning.


Alright, this is easily one of the funniest columns we've ever posted here on Da Blurbs. And we've posted over 800 of them in the last seven months. This is Hiko's stage by stage account of watching the Browns collapse in person yesterday with his girlfriend. I laughed, I cried, I related. And I think I wet myself the first time I read it. Funny stuff from a sick man.


For Tom Clancy, it was terrorists getting their hands on a nuke and heading for Baltimore. For The Rhino, it's Baltimore getting their hands on a real NFL QB and heading for Cleveland. And this, says The Rhino, could get extremely ugly. Add in to the mix a Ravens defense that has been terrifying this year, and yet to allow a TD, and he doesn't feel all too confident in this, his preview of todays game.


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