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Erik CassanoErik Cassano has the cure for the Browns ills - Hire Urban Meyer away from the University of Florida. Cassano argues that Meyer has turned around desolate programs at Bowling Green and Utah, and has Florida back in national championship contention in just his second year there. He's from the area, and the Browns already have the offensive weapons to make his system work. Interesting column and proposal from Papa Cass here.


Rich SwerbinskyOur emerging status as the #1 Cleveland sports fan website has vastly increased the amount of mail we recieve at the Swerbs Blurbs headquarters. Yesterday, we were sent an authentic copy of Browns offensive coordinator Maurice Carthon's playbook ... which helps explain alot of the problems the team has been having moving the ball.


Or, as we like to say here in The US of A, "I am tired". Hiko is tired. He's angry. He's ashamed. He's embarrassed. He's disgruntled. He's irritated. He's _______ (insert any and all other words synonomous with "tired of the Browns sucking"). He perfectly sums up the collective frustration of The Brownie Nation in this column.


Erik CassanoWouldn't it be nice to wake up on Sunday mornings, genuinely excited for the Browns game, and supremely confident that they would win? I remember those days. So does Erik Cassano, who was just disgusted with the Browns performance in The Nati this past Sunday. Cassano's regular "Morning After" piece reads more like a report from a crime scene this week than it does a recap of a NFL game. Someone pass the scotch.


Jesse LamovskyIt's hard to stay positive after a loss like the one to the Bungles last Sunday. Jesse Lamovsky admits as much in his latest column, in which he is actually able to find ten things he liked out of that debacle last weekend. Just keep repeating the following six words Browns fans: Kellen Winslow, Leigh Bodden, Kamerion Wimbley. Kellen Winslow, Leigh Bodden, Kamerion Wimbley.


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