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Rich SwerbinskyWere we supposed to go into The Nati and win this week? Hell no. But I expected a much better effort than that embarrasment yesterday. Is it the lack of talent? Is it the coaching? The answer is a resounding BOTH, and I hit on all areas of yesterdays debacle in my Monday morning Festivus special - The Airing Of The Grievances.


The Hornless Rhino feels the Browns will play MUCH better this week, and I totally agree with him. Will it be enough though? Against a Bengal team loaded with offensive weapons ... and sure to be revved up for their home opener. In his game preview, the Rhino says stop Rudi Johnson and establishing the run will be the keys. And that the Browns will be hard pressed to walk outta the Queen City with a W.


Well, the column title just about sums that game up. The Browns were dominated in all phases of the game today, catching a whoopin' at the hands of the Bengals in a contest that was not nearly as close as the 34-17 final score indicated. The Rhino weighs in with his post game thoughts in this very matter of fact writeup.


Rich Swerbinsky... the more they stay the same. Showing many of the same weaknesses and liabilities of years past, the Browns turned in a thoroughly disappointing performance Sunday afternoon in the season opener. I'm angry, I'm frustrated, I need to vent. And I don't know if my liver will be able to take 15 more games of this.


Erik CassanoIn his regular Monday "Morning After" feature, Papa Cass piles on the the Browns disgusting performance in his review of this weekends game. Cassano unloads on the Browns organization from top to bottom, and like most of us ... cannot believe how unprepared the Browns looked. In a game they had nine days to prepare for. "Bartender! I'll take another!"


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